Personality Functions Three Hidden Secrets to Find Your True Self?

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Personality functions three hidden secrets to find your true self.  It’s more than just a great headline. Honestly, there are untold hidden secrets to finding your true self, but I’m keeping the information bite-sized. Lots more to come. Anywho, I hope these small bits of information lead to profound insights, helping you see that personality […]

Exciting Word Therapy for Seekers Exploring the Word Comparison

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Exciting word therapy for seekers exploring the word comparison. If you missed my previous post, How To Unpack Yourself to Be Unforgettable, you might want to give it a read. I’m a word nerd, and I love to explore words from both a traditional and spiritual viewpoint. It’s a holistic approach to word-branding. Today’s digital […]

Unlock the Impact of Soulful Quotes on Your Personality Type

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Unlock the impact of soulful quotes on your personality type. Dive into the magic of soulful quotes and watch your personality sparkle! This latest blog is overflowing with 30 thoughtful quotes that’ll shift your perspective and help you connect with your true self. Ever wondered why one quote hits home while others just drift away? […]

The Eye-Opening and Beautiful Truths About Spiritual Psychology

The eye-opening and beautiful truths about spiritual psychology may have you scratching your head or thinking Nina is stark raving mad. Well, those who know me know I live to challenge the status quo, so if you’re ready to flip the script, read on. Yoga, Breathwork, and Meditation… These modalities aren’t enough if you want […]

How to Use Personality Preferences to Build Trust: Part One

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How to Use Personality Preferences to Build Trust: Part One is another step on the path to finding your true self. What is trust, and why is it so important? Trust is reliance or confidence—a firm belief in another’s character and an unseen value between two people or within a culture. Today, trust is being […]

Your Personality Isn’t Your Identity: It’s A Tool

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Your personality isn’t your identity: it’s a tool. I believe it to be an expression of your soul: the Divine guide within. When you operate from this POV, your personality becomes an expression of your soul’s desires, guiding you to take inspired, purposeful action from your true self. When you soly rely on your personality — […]

Three Ways Listening Helps You Better Understand Your True Self

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Three ways listening helps you better understand your true SELF was a message I received on a meditative walk. When I walk, I typically have a question to ask Divine Intelligence. The question on my mind the other day was, “How can I listen more deeply to what my spirit guides are trying to tell […]

How To Remove External Layers Of Fear From Your Persona?

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How to remove the external layers of fear from your persona? For many of us, the answer to this question is revealed in your primary personality trait, the Essential Self. First, you need to unravel your ambitions, passions, and grand desires of who you think you need to be. Pressed for time, watch the 5-minute […]