Travel Personality Typing: It’s a Good Thing for Travelers

alt="Travel to Mobile Bay, AL"

Travel personality typing: it’s a good thing for travelers based on my experience and many years of trekking across the planet and talking to vacationers. I’ve been helping places, properties, people, and CEOs become more profitable for decades. I’ve discovered that many people don’t experience joyous journeys along the way. And traveling seems to trigger […]

Five Essential Tips to help Introverts Avoid Travel Stress

alt="Five Essential Travel Tips for Introvert Overload - an uncrowded beach makes the list."

The five essential travel tips to help introverts avoid travel stress will help ease overwhelm and make for happier vacation experiences for everyone involved. Trust ME. Introverts, like extroverts, are happier on vacations that lean into places, plans, and activities that feed and energize their introverted desires. Five Essential Travel Tips to help Introvert Avoid […]