Sixteen Remarkable Ways Travel Awakens Your Personality
Sixteen remarkable ways travel awakens your personality type. A look at each Myers-Briggs ® archetype seeing how travel can bring about self-awareness by tapping into your true Self. What if travel acts as a reflection of your personality, your personal reality, while on vacation? Have you ever had a travel moment that took your breath […]
2020 The Year of Revisioning Yourself a New
2020 the year of revisioning yourself anew. Seeing things with great clarity. It’s about releasing Matrix moments bringing enlightenment to understand what’s important and meaningful. It’s about staying present in the clarity of self. I’m wondering if the pandemic as been seeded in the world right now, giving us all a forced time-out to go […]
The Magic of Slow Travel in a Disconnected World
The magic of slow travel is a beautiful gift, especially in today’s disconnected world. For me, slow travel is an intention to travel to observe oneself while awakening your senses and seeing things anew – provisioning yourself to be all you came here to be! One of the things I suggest, and it’s pretty simple, […]