Why Travel is the Best Tonic For Self Discovery

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Why travel is the best tonic for self-discovery is one of the philosophy pillars in my upcoming book Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Feel free to sign up here for preorders and who knows what. So typical of an ENTP. As a travel professional, I know full well that […]

Best Road Trips To Make Your Personality Happy

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Over the last few years, air travel has become tricky for many Americans. A return to a classic vacation is trending: the American road trip. It’s the perfect way to explore your own backyard and hidden gems in other states, plus you can pick up and go whenever you like. What’s better than a classic […]

Sixteen Remarkable Ways Travel Awakens Your Personality

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Sixteen remarkable ways travel awakens your personality type.  A look at each Myers-Briggs ® archetype seeing how travel can bring about self-awareness by tapping into your true Self. What if travel acts as a reflection of your personality, your personal reality, while on vacation? Have you ever had a travel moment that took your breath […]

Fall A Beautiful Season for Renewal

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Fall  a beautiful season for renewal. It’s a time to reevaluate yourself, regardless of your personality type, and to celebrate Mother Nature’s colorful call to let go. Forests magically flip a switch, transforming their leaves from emerald green to butterscotch yellows, crimson reds, and fiery oranges. This is the time of year when the mountains […]