How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing?
How to find yourself through spiritual personality typing is a big question with a four-word answer. Understand your personality type. Easy-peasy right? Well, yes, and no. The world isn’t easy-peasy. It’s changing rapidly. It’s chaotic, and what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Our transitioning world is causing eight out of ten Americans to be anxious, […]
Extroverts and Introverts Get Stressed Because of Energy Flow?
Extroverts and introverts get stressed because of energy flow. And in these pandemic times living under one roof for extended periods exaggerates the differences. Stress may become a driving force in the everyday. If you’re living with an opposite, an extrovert with an introvert, or an introvert with an extrovert, which is often the case […]
How Spirituality Shows up in the Every Day
How spirituality shows up in the every day, for me, centers around small joys, not huge, life-shattering moments. Spirituality has been showing up in my life in the simplest of moments; kissing my son, hugging the dog, and random acts of kindness. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pondering a lot of things […]