Revealing Solène’s Personality Type In The Idea Of You

Revealing Solène’s personality type in The Idea Of You is a deconstruction of “the witty, well-liked, and loyal mom” in Prime video’s breakout movie. Solène: I didn’t know my being happy would piss so many people off. Tracy, Solène’s best friend: Did I not warn you? People hate happy women. Solène is a […]
Exciting Word Therapy for Seekers Exploring the Word Comparison

Exciting word therapy for seekers exploring the word comparison. If you missed my previous post, How To Unpack Yourself to Be Unforgettable, you might want to give it a read. I’m a word nerd, and I love to explore words from both a traditional and spiritual viewpoint. It’s a holistic approach to word-branding. Today’s digital […]
How To Unpack Yourself to be Unforgettable

How to unpack yourself to be unforgettable is the realization you are Divinity expressing itself through your personality type! WOW. Let that sink in. You are here for a Divine reason. FACT. Your wounds gave your wisdom. FACT. You have a meaningful purpose. FACT. Your personality is assigned to you, FACT. Your persona is perfectly […]