How To Be In the World but Not of It?

alt= "Be of the World but Not In It described by a meadow and the stars."

How to be in the world but not of it is a beautiful paradox. To unlock this secret, you’ll want to figure out how the dualistic nature of the planet and your free will help you sort through the chaos and overwhelm that is now prevalent in our society. Here’s what I believe. The Divine […]

Does Your Personality Hold the Secret to a Happier Life?

Does your personality hold the secret to a happiessr life? We are all born with a personality. Everybody has one ⏤ , yet many of us, especially when a significant life upheaval hits and we are faced with looking at who we really are. The question, Who am I, arises. The kids may have left […]

7 Ways Books Can Change Your Perspective

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In brief: 7 ways books can change your perspective, without boarding a plane, getting entangled in a deep conversation, or sitting on a psychiatrist’s couch. I encourage everyone to take a minute to give this article a read. See if any of the benefits of reading resonate. Ask yourself how these 7 ways may make […]

A list of my favorite 50 self- help books

alt="Nina Zapala Reading a Self-Help Book."

When I need help, I turn to self-help books. The last ten years have been a roller-coaster ride of grand proportions. My life had become a gigantic shit-show. And I say this in all honesty, I died and was reborn. Everything in my life was turned right-side-up and upside-down. Joel Osteen unspooled the story of […]

Why Is This Happening to Me? Why is He/She such a Jerk?

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Why is this happening to me? Why is he/she such a jerk? Have you ever uttered these questions while on vacation? Have you ever experienced tension while away? To be honest, I think we all have. Vacations, while highly romanticized on social and in the media, can be a time of great stress and tension. […]