33 Ways to Love Your Personality

33 Ways to Love Your Personality is an illuminating read. It highlights many different ways to love yourself. Enjoy your personality type as the beautiful gift it’s intended to be – a supportive spiritual tool to help you define your sacred purpose, totally in alignment with your truth! Yes, we are here to fall in […]
How to Plan Romantic Getaways For Your Personality

Plan romantic getaways for your personality type isn’t necessarily about a specific plan. That’s wrong thinking. Instead, it’s more about your type’s likes and dislikes and, of course, figuring out your partner’s personality type, tastes, their romantic desires. You and your partner’s needs should always come first. In fact, many people don’t even like to […]
How to Remove the Mask Using Spiritual Personality Typing?

How to remove the mask using spiritual personality typing uses the idea of personality typing with a spiritual understanding: Spiritual Personality Typing. An emerging typology that harnesses the power of personal creation–a blending of soul and personality — your higher-conscious self; the real you! When you fully embrace this new way of thinking around Myers-Briggs® […]
20 Stylish Ways to Wear Pins This Holiday Season

I wanted to share 20 stylish ways to wear a pin this holiday season to make you sparkle and glow. Of course, holiday jewelry is fun, so why not add a few vintage pins to shake things up, and create a look all your own? Nobody loves vintage more than Si types; who are fond […]
How Famous Christmas Movies Make Us Reflect On Ourselves?

How famous Christmas movies make us reflect on ourselves takes a look at enduring holiday movie characters we’ve come to love while teaching us about our struggles and challenges, giving us hope. Have you ever wondered why some Christmas movies become iconic while others seem to have their day and fade away? The characters mentioned […]
10 Ways to Be Less Anxious this Holiday Season

10 Ways to Be Less Anxious this Holiday Season offers tips to help you de-stress and keep that high-vibing energy. Is your holiday to-do list overwhelming, and just thinking about it brings feelings of overwhelm? Is your mind swirling with thoughts? You are thinking I should have the tree up, the shopping done, the invitations […]
3 Ways To Stay True to You During the Holidays

Three ways (3-holiday stress busters) to stay true to you this holiday season addresses ways to stay tuned in to yourself and rethink the holiday season beyond the hustle and bustle, shopping, and exhausting perfection. The Holiday Dilemma: Stress or Joy? How many of you genuinely look forward to the holidays? Be honest. […]
What’s Wonderful About Your Personality? EVERYTHING!

What’s amazing about your personality? EVERYTHING. Embrace it, breathe it in, and know it’s true. When you explore personality typing through a spiritual lens, you connect with your soul’s core. This is where your unlimited potential resides, making you unstoppable! Ready to view your personality type from a fresh, authentic perspective? Spiritual personality typing offers […]