Celebrate Freedom and Truth In Being You this July 4th
Celebrate freedom and truth in being you this July 4th speaks to the idea of truly knowing yourself to bring about the unimaginable freedom of being yourself. Many of us experience times of clarity, truth, and freedom in our lives, yet other times we deny who we are. We ignore the signs from Divine Intelligence […]
How to Travel Like a Kid This Summer?
How to travel like a kid this summer starts with remembering what it feels like to be a kid again? What if the kid within could trigger what the eyes can’t see — what the heart knows you to be (playful, happy-go-lucky, curious, unabashedly you) the force of nature you truly are? Have we become so rigid […]
10 Unmistakable Ways You’ve Lost Yourself
10 unmistakable ways you’ve lost yourself; looks at how triggers, drama, and repeatable patterns shape your life story. Unfortunately, like most things in life, many of us don’t pay attention to these slow-moving, insidious ways until life explodes. Our awakening begins to shed light on the path to the true self. My definition of the […]
How To Love Being Introvert
How to love being an introvert is about realizing your energy is bathed in your own truth, it’s vibrant, alive, and magnetic attracting the world to you – no words needed! The End! No, I’m serious. It is all about energy flow, and when you operate from your truth, you have the power to change […]
How To Be In the World but Not of It?
How to be in the world but not of it is a beautiful paradox. To unlock this secret, you’ll want to figure out how the dualistic nature of the planet and your free will help you sort through the chaos and overwhelm that is now prevalent in our society. Here’s what I believe. The Divine […]
How To Gain Clarity Through Personality Typing
How to gain clarity through personality typing is a topic I will be discussing in great detail in 2021 and beyond. Why am I so passionate about the topic? It’s been a thorn in my side for a very long time. The Divine gifted me with a book premise, Unpack Your Personality©️, based on personality […]
7 Detours on the Road to Personality Typing
7 detours on the road to personality typing will bring clarity to the myths surrounding personality typing theory. There is so much confusion about typology that I wanted to clear up a few things. Did you know that more than two million people take a personality type test annually for career purposes? I also ran […]
Outstanding Steps for Transformational Travel
Outstanding steps for transformational travel is one of the reasons I’ve been working on a book, Unpack Your Personality: Myers-Briggs® Takes a Spiritual Detour. I can’t wait to share it with you all. Have you ever taken a trip, and something within you awakened? You returned home more aware and somehow different? Even how you […]