Personality Typing Isn’t Your Identity. It’s a Tool Part Two

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Your personality type is a tool. It uses a set of indicators supported by your True Self to help you take Divinely inspired actions. Remember, the True Self is your conduit for Divine intelligence. I don’t believe your personality type identifies you. It supports your soul self, which is your eternal being, the who of […]

Sixteen Remarkable Ways Travel Awakens Your Personality

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Sixteen remarkable ways travel awakens your personality type.  A look at each Myers-Briggs ® archetype seeing how travel can bring about self-awareness by tapping into your true Self. What if travel acts as a reflection of your personality, your personal reality, while on vacation? Have you ever had a travel moment that took your breath […]

How To Be In the World but Not of It?

alt= "Be of the World but Not In It described by a meadow and the stars."

How to be in the world but not of it is a beautiful paradox. To unlock this secret, you’ll want to figure out how the dualistic nature of the planet and your free will help you sort through the chaos and overwhelm that is now prevalent in our society. Here’s what I believe. The Divine […]

Are Old Beliefs Sabotaging Your Personal Growth?

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Are old beliefs sabotaging your personal growth? Unfortunately, I believe many of us self-sabotage daily. We’ve become confused in an over-communicated world that tells us how to behave, what to wear, and how to think… Oh, and let’s not forget all of our childhood and relationship experiences and how they, too, have dramatically influenced us. […]

Sixteen Reasons to be Grateful for Your Personality Type

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Sixteen reasons to be grateful for your personality type; look closely at personality traits; the unique gifts you bring to the world. And please know this is not about career typing. It’s more about understanding the soul’s role in personality to become your TrueSelf your authentic self. Many of us have unrealized aspects of our […]

Does Your Personality Hold the Secret to a Happier Life?

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Does your personality hold the secret to a happiessr life? We are all born with a personality. Everybody has one ⏤ , yet many of us, especially when a significant life upheaval hits and we are faced with looking at who we really are. The question, Who am I, arises. The kids may have left […]

Making Travel Choices Are You a Thinker or Feeler?

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Making travel choices, are you a thinker or a feeler? These cognitive functions are your persona’s decision-making tools. I ask this because these decision-making traits because there is a big difference between these traits when two or more people travel together. How you make decisions can positively or negatively influence vacation outcomes for yourself and your […]