Personality Typing Isn’t Your Identity. It’s a Tool Part Two

Your personality type is a tool. It uses a set of indicators supported by your True Self to help you take Divinely inspired actions. Remember, the True Self is your conduit for Divine intelligence. I don’t believe your personality type identifies you. It supports your soul self, which is your eternal being, the who of who you really are.

Follow along in part two of this series as I continue to explore why personality typing isn’t your identity – read more on last’s week’s blog. You may want to start with the previous week’s blog and then come back and read this post. I wrote them to be successive.

No Time No Worries

Don’t have time to read the blog? No worries, check out the cliff notes here, or pop on over to my YouTube channel for an unedited, 30-minute video on the topic, or enjoy a quick story on Pinterest or Instagram. I do suggest you bookmark this page to come back and read the blog in its entirety, as I believe you’ll find the contents to be life-changing.

Exploring Personality Type Assessements

Today I further explore why many use personality type assessments to identify ourselves. As human beings, we are wired to seek answers, to know ourselves, and understand why we are here. We hunger for answers, making it a little easier to understand why we use personality type assessments to identify ourselves? Interestingly enough, we all appear to be hungry for the same things, looking for our “W’s”; why am I here… what’s my purpose… why me… what’s next…

I’m familiar with these questions, as I asked every single one of these and more, going through my 7-year life tsunami. I, too, was hungry for answers. Funny enough, I didn’t find one in the external world. I just became more confused.

Here’s Why I Believe Personality Typing Is a Tool

Looking for answers in the outer world is accessing what you already know. It’s where confusion becomes a reality. Here’s why, if you seek answers from what you already know, you get the same answers. So you see, these answers don’t offer solutions because they are linear, unconscious, and unaware of unhealthy personality traits.

Want a different answer? Then use another way to ask.

Suppose you ask “W” questions in co-creation with the spark of Divine Intelligence within your unlimited potential. In this case, the answers come from a nonphysical place, waiting to manifest in the here and now. These answers are born from a sacred place.

Want to go deeper? Book a one-on-one session with me; click the button below.

A question: Do you want to make choices inspired by your Divinely inspired true SELF? Or will you continue to rely on the external world to sail through life?

Nina Zapala, founder Spiritual Personality Typing™️

Personality Typing is an Incredible Tool Indicating Aspects of Yourself?

Personality typing is an incredible tool to help you unravel many exciting indicators of who you really are. So many of us overlook the foundational aspects of our personalities. Do you realize your personality type reveals; your most compatible partner, friends, money, fashion, and interior decorating styles.

Now let’s rethink it all using the spark of Divine Intelligence within. Yeah, get ready to create new worlds. If that doesn’t get you excited, here are a few more “whys” you should care about your personality type. It’s how:

  • You make decisions,
  • It shapes your attitudes about life,
  • Your personality type acts as a foundation, it never changes it grounds you into a deep place of knowing, allowing you to weather the storms of life,
  • It gives you clues to behaviors and habits,
  • While revealing personality triggers to help you release hidden fears,
  • Receive and retrieve information,
  • Energized by it, or introspective and observing of it,
  • A personality paradigm wrapped in spirituality and leads to a life led by Divine Intelligence the path of the true SELF.

It all depends on how we look at things

Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, Carl Jung.

Personality Typing Isn’t Your Identity

Note: Remember these words given to me to help me teach you personality typing with a spiritual understanding. You may not resonate with this word. No worries. I don’t want to identify you or put you in a box. I am here as a guide only. If you’re ready and willing for a new thought theory on spiritual personality typing, then I am honored to be your guide.

As I explained in my previous blog, I’m an ENTP, and I’ve dubbed this trait the Curious one, here’s why. When ENTPs recognize curiosity as an integral part of their true SELF, an acceptance of SELF occurs.

Curiosity is the driver of your truth and is critical to expanding your consciousness, developing healthy traits, and bringing about novel co-creations, all leading to a life of fulfillment.

Remember, Words are Manufactured Constructs

What I advise you to do, is feel how the word resonates with you? Look beyond the definition of the world. Instead, ask yourself how does the word makes you feel. Do you feel calm, peaceful, reflective, and grounded? These are questions introverts may respond to? Or, as an extrovert, do the words excite you, propel you to take action, or share with others?

I list each type below, along with one word I feel (a ten-year research project) best indicates your truth. Of course, I would be arrogant to believe the word I linked with your type is 1000% right on. It may be, or it may not. The idea here is to get you to start thinking differently about your personality.

Remember, Divine Intelligence is the source of the unlimited potential that created you; therefore, you are infinite.

Don’t let a personality type assessment identify you — put you in a box. Putting you in a box creates all kinds of problems; fear, being stuck, not enoughness…

Remember, you’re created from Divine Intelligence the source of unlimited potential; therefore, you are unlimited potential. 

Don’t let a personality type assessment identify you – put you in a box. Putting you in a box creates all kinds of problems; fear, being stuck, not-enoughness… 

Your unlimited potential can never be contained, neither can you.

Nina Zapala, founder Spiritual Personality Typing™️

Think Differently About Your Personality

Are you confused, or does this make sense? If you are confused, let me explain further.

Personality typing is a theory created by human beings. Agree? When the mind co-creates with the spark of Divine Intelligence within, the source of all there IS, you’ll tap into unlimited potential, co-creating with the CREATOR who births galaxies, star systems, Gaia, and all the wonders of our world, including human beings.

I believe the spark of Divine Intelligence within to be the essential aspect of who we are, while your personality type plays a supportive foundational role. Personalities are designed to help us communicate our Divine knowings through our persona into reality. Can you take a leap of faith, and realize expressing yourself at the highest level is speaking your truth, aka Divine, speaking through you.

Let’s look at each personality type and the word indicator I’ve chosen for each. I believe this word has a huge role to play in your life. It presides over your persona, guiding you through trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Remember, the truth always rises to the top, even if it stays buried for decades, a lesson I learned going through my 7-year life tsunami.

Your Personality Type Tools: A Reveal for all 16 Spiritual Personalities

Be aware when you tap into your true SELF; these words can pale compared to what Divine Intelligence is dreaming up for your life journey, in co-creation with Divine Intelligence. It’s always my intention to get you thinking, not fixated on a theory, but help you create your world based on the ideas of the true SELF.

Again, don’t quickly judge the word from a place of what you know. Be open, feel into the word. Ask the spark within, ‘what does this world reveal for me, show me?


ESTJ: Keepers

ISTJ: Grounded

ESFJ: Harmonious

ISFJ: Unassuming


ESTP: Affluential

ISTP: Active

ESFP: Playful

ISFP: Aesthetic


ENTP: Curious

INTP: Actualists

ENTJ: Overseer

INTJ: Resolute


ENFJ: Altruistic

INFJ: Insightful

ENFP: Enthusiastic

INFP: Seekers

“The way of indiciduation; how a divided individual sorts through their deepest confinements in order to pursue a wholeness of being.

The Book of Awakening, author Mark Nepo

Notice, I presented you with just one word. Using more words would become too confining and defining, putting you right back in the box. Living life in a box is impossible, but it’s not natural because you are a SOURCE of unlimited potential. You don’t fit into a box.

The lesson here is to use this word to start the co-creation process with the Divine spark that resides within. The co-creation process helps you realize you’re an unlimited being, with many outcomes, new dreams, and infinite resources at hand to create whatever you desire.

Note: the Divine Spark within leads inspires the personality to take action. Most of us have this reversed. We believe the mind motivates actions – this is not the way to the true SELF.


  • Get yourself into a comfortable position,
  • Take three deep breathes and continue to breathe until your mind is relatively calm,
  • When you find a breathing rhythm repeat the word associated with your personality type, three times,
  • Here again, don’t think or focus on the dictionary definition, and don’t analyze either,
  • How does it make you feel?

Journal Prompt

  • As you slowly come out of your meditation ask yourself; “how do I feel?”
  • Write down what you feel?
  • Calm? Peaceful? Excited?
  • Anxious to get started?
  • Are new thoughts and ideas arising?

Journal until the feeling fades. When you pass over into thinking using the rational mind, it indicates you’ve gone back to what you know. The goal is to tap into the unknown to reveal something fresh and new: it’s a reinvention of what was.

May we not look to the world for inspiration or validation. It didn’t give us our mission nore can it take it from us. It didn’t give our identify, so it can’t tell us who we are…or aren’t.

the story if WITH A Better way to live, love and Create, author, Allen Arnold

Recap:Personality Typing Isn’t Your Identity. It’s a Tool Part Two

  • We hunger for answers, so many of us use personality type assessments to find solutions, yet I find this way to be uber confusing, confining, and limited,
  • Your personality type is an incredible tool, overlooked by many,
  • Why you should care about your personality type,
  • Don’t only look for a word’s identity feel into the word, for it’s total influence,
  • 16 personality types; what our spiritual word reveal about you,
  • Journal prompt,
  • Meditation.

More About the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing

Personality Typing Isn’t Your Identity. It’s a Tool Part Two

I hope you found Are Fears Scary Let’s Take a Closer Look eye-opening. I’m passionate and intentional about introducing the idea of personality tying with a spiritual understanding to help you find yourself.

The career personality typing model of the 1950s is fine. Yet, if we want to know who we are and find ourselves in a crazy world, we must tap into our Divine mind, which brings unlimited potential, happiness, and abundance into our lives.

Our higher self relies on a healthy personality to express our unique sacred stories, prompting us to take inspired action in all we do. Our higher self speaks through our persona – exuding joy, passion, and love.

Discovery of Personality Typing With a Spiritual Understanding

According to Psychology Today magazine, 93% of people want to change something about themselves. Which begs the question, why change yourself? Or, more importantly, how does changing yourself help you find yourself?

Do you realize you come from the MIND where ideas never end? Is it foolish to think we can create a better version of ourselves? What makes you think you can’t be a star if you come from the stars?

The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing©️ helps you understand yourself, helps you find yourself, and helps you realize the Divine Mind, which can lead you down an extraordinary, new life path.

Do you agree that critical decision-making skills are an absolute must in times of confusion, change, and chaos? The choices you make today can alter your tomorrow.

I’m sharing the liberating lessons and soul wisdom I learned going through my transitional 7-year life tsunami. – to guide you through your life transitions. 

Are you’re ready to commit to fully knowing yourself? To live thoughtfully, question everything, and love completely. 

You may not find this journey to be an easy one. Still, you will find it enriching, beyond your imagination, a fascinating discovery of personality typing with a spiritual understanding. 

Join The Movement

Ready to find yourself? If so, I’d love to see you on YouTube,  PinterestLinkedIn, or Instagram. The best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to my email list.

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It’s Time to Discover; The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing ©️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP.

Note I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.

Unsplash: Austin Neill



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊