Learn The Best Personal Branding Tips For Extroverts

Learn the best personal branding tips for extroverts is a new post that focuses on understanding your brand–your personality type–especially your North Star. The primary trait, the guiding light in your business and life. Traditional typology defines the primary trait, as a dominant personality preference. It’s the trait you use the most. 

An interesting take on the word dominant. Merriam-Webster defines dominant as commanding or controlling—a word that conjures up a negative bias. I invite you to reframe it as your North Star. This new perspective fosters a more positive, spiritual mindset to help you ignite your passion and purpose. Think of this trait as a lighthouse, guiding your business through the stormy seas of challenges and uncertainty. Embrace it as a fountain of inspiration and focus, remember it lights your way forward!

Another essential pillar of spiritual personality typing is the understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This perspective suggests that your personal brand reflects the actualization of your intuition—the Divine spark within. By bringing the nonphysical into the physical realm, you shape and define your personal reality through the lens of a higher consciousness. Embracing this approach allows you to build a personal brand that reflects your true self. You’ll create a brand rooted in values, beliefs, and a mission that align with your authentic identity. Sharing your unique gifts in profound, compassionate, and meaningful ways not only feels refreshing—it also establishes you as a trustworthy brand.  


I help you bring your true self to life – in business and life. Nina Zapala, Author, Word Branding Strategist and Creator of Spiritual Personality Typing.


Questions To Help Define Your Best Personal Brand

These questions are often not easy to answer yet they are essential in finding your true self. It’s best to reflect upon each questions to bring about a new awareness:

What excites you?

What holds  your interest?

Many more reflection questions in my debut book; grab it on Amazon


Commonly Associated Branding Traits For Extroverts

These ten personality traits commonly associated with extroverts are a branding goldmine:

1. Outgoing: Extroverts thrive in social situations and enjoy meeting new people.

2. Talkative: They often engage in conversations easily and enjoy sharing their thoughts.

3. Energetic: Extroverts gain energy from being around others and are often seen as lively and enthusiastic.

4. Friendly: They tend to be approachable and warm, making it easy for others to connect with them.

5. Adventurous: Extroverts are often open to new experiences and enjoy exploring different activities.

6. Persuasive: They are skilled at influencing others and can effectively communicate their ideas.

7. Collaborative: Extroverts enjoy teamwork and often thrive in group settings, valuing input from others.

8. Optimistic: They tend to maintain a positive outlook and often see the bright side of situations.

9. Curious: Extroverts are often eager to learn from others and explore new perspectives.

10. Charismatic: Their magnetic personalities can draw people in, making them natural leaders in social settings.


I always had an urge to live life to its full.” Richard Branson, ESFP


Learn To Trust Your Gut: Best Branding Tips For Extroverts 

When you create from within, you step into the realm of Divine Intelligence, a higher state of consciousness, and you’ll rely less on what everyone else is doing. You trust what your gut is telling you and let it lead, even when it doesn’t make sense. Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin opening discusses this tactic as one of his greatest business assets. Your see, your instincts originate from your soul, your wisdom insider. It’s ALWAYS in alignment with your higher purpose.

Yet, many of us believe the external world has all the answers. Which frequently leads us to copy another’s narrative, or we feed another’s expectations. Plus we often gravitate to social conditioning if we don’t have a firm foundation as to who we really are.

 It’s easy to succumb to this belief as the patriarchal paradigms are drilled into us at an early age, expressed as the holy grail to life. When this happens, we get stuck in a patriarchal paradigm and don’t stop to think about our own authentic brand values, vision and mission. We aren’t questioning what “they” say, we just accept what is. This becomes the downfall for many, I include myself in this paradigm. 


#Journal prompt

If your life isn’t working the way you want it to, it’s time to overcome conditioned responses, patterns, habits, and ways of thinking. You’ll need to take time for inner-reflection and ask yourself whose beliefs and values are you abiding by? Do they feel authentic? And I use the word feel because it’s key. 

 If a belief causes you to pause, then it probably isn’t true to you. Which is very common as our parents, society, culture, life experiences have a way of infiltrating our minds, without us even realizing it.

Use this journal prompt: “Divine Please Show Me.” Let your higher conscious self lead you in the direction you are meant to take. Really listen. Don’t doubt or second guess, even if it seems preposterous.


Extroverts: Personal Branding Tips Strengths & Intuitive Insights

Perks of your Myers-Briggs® archetype highlight your positive qualities, such as leadership, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Individuals with an extrovert personality have unique strengths that make their personal brands stand out. To have a meaningful impact and enhance your personal brand take the steps to fully embody your your strengths. These are a few ways you illuminate the world:

1. Multifunctional Nature

Extroverts generally multitask with a zillion tabs open, emailing, and listening to a podcast. They are approachable, tend to talk first, and they can easily engage their team members.

Intuitive tip: Be mindful that the external world is a product of human endeavor, so every development is flawed. Don’t just dive in blindly. Be mindful. Be guided by your gut instincts and soul whispers. Your higher identity always guides you correctly.

2. Approachable

An extrovert is approachable, and they often find inspiration in others. You can learn a great deal about people by interacting with them, and networking can be a really fun way to do so. Make listening a priority while building relationships. By understanding your teammates and potential clients better, you can tailor your messaging and create content tailored to their interests and needs.

Intuitive Tip
Your real-world experiences—having faced, healed, and learned from challenges—provide the wisdom needed for spirit-led communication that is both authentic and beneficial. If you’ve not on a journey of self-discovery, you’re limiting yourself to brain bandwidth while ignoring your gut instincts; messages from the higher self.

3. Outward Focus

In contrast to an introvert, an extrovert is able to manage more distractions because of their natural external focus. By observing the world and others’ reactions, you can create new trends and movements, persuading others to join your cause.

Intuitive Tip

When you focus on what is outside of yourself, you may not be able to achieve stillness that deeply connects you with your soul self. You may prefer activities that are externally expressive and spirit-filled, such as meditative walking, yoga classes, or church or spiritual groups. It is important to practice stillness in order to connect with and hear the whispers of Divine intelligence, which are often hard to hear outside of stillness.


Extroverts: Best Personal Branding Tips Weaknesses & Intuitive Insights 

An understanding of triggers. Based on Carl Jung’s theories from the early 20th century, particularly his concept of “dark shadow” and “golden shadow,” triggers result from projected aspects of ourselves that are out of alignment with our true selves; unresolved wounds. Using his psychoanalytic perspective, triggers represent aspects of ourselves that we may want to reject, deny, or avoid. Embracing your gifts requires being mindful of your triggers, as they provide insight, lessons, and seeds for personal growth.

1. Managing Over Expressive Behaviors

It’s easy to get sucked into the world of constant networking and social media interactions and convincing yourself that you must engage or have all the answers.

Intuitive Tip

Be mindful of over expressing yourself or over engaging. Consider stepping back and observing the situation without interacting. Seeing yourself from afar is a powerful way to be more self-aware and provide powerful clues to personal transformation, which translate to your business.

2. Being Mindful

A good party, festival, or social event tends to bring out many extroverts, sharing stories and engaging with many. You ability to engage with others helps you build trust, important in business.. 

Intuitive Tip

Be mindful that sharing personal stories that involve others can cause hurt feelings, embarrassment, and awkward situations as a result.

A great tip. Learn to practice carefulness in conversation. A tip both extroverts and introverts can use. 


Be a free thinker and don’t accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in – Aristotle,  ENTJ; Ancient Greek Philosopher.


Extroverts: Elevate Your Personal Brand Power Know Your Superpowers 

As an extrovert, you possess traits that are uniquely yours; your superpowers. It’s essential to thoroughly understand your Myers-Briggs type. It will give you valuable  insights into how you can use your strengths, and become aware of your weaknesses to build an authentic personal brand. 

Intuitive Tip: A lesson I learned navigating my life tsunami: before you look outward for answers –which often leads to fulfilling another’s narrative or unfairly judging yourself– focus on your innate strengths and practice looking within for the answers you seek. No matter what anybody says!  


How To Build A Successful Personal Brand If You Are An Extroverted Sensing Type (SP & SJ)*

Think of your North Star as a guiding light towards your higher purpose or calling. It’s a reliable destination you can always count on, even as the world shifts around you. In today’s chaotic economic times, having a steadfast beacon is more important than ever. Let it lead you through uncertainty and keep you focused on what truly matters!

Spirited Types (ESTP)

Extroverted Sensing (Se) is your North Star: Spirited types imbue two critical spiritual-fed traits; curiosity and a Zen like relationship with the external world. You have an entrepreneurial nature and tend to be fast and flexible. A brilliant strength for these transitioning times.

The superpowers you possess can be found in: Alexander the Great, Robert F. Kennedy; US President, Anna Wintour, Executive Editor, Donald Trump, US President, Helen Mirror, Actress, Madonna, Singer, Miley Cyrus, actress and singer, Ernest Hemingway, author, Ben Affleck, actor.


Playful Types (ESFP) 

Extroverted Sensing (Se) is your North Star: Playful types want the most out of every situation and are highly focused on gathering information through their five senses. You are a doer more than a talker, a sensation hunter, which makes you inclined to take risks in business. When down thoughtfully this is a huge business advantage.

Others with your superpowers: Michelangelo, sculpture and painter; Richard Branson, founder Virgin, Tony Robbins, self help, hotelier; Beyonce, Katie Perry, Nicki Minaj, singers and songwriters. 


Dutiful Types ( ESTJ)

Extroverted Thinking (Te) is your North Star: Dutiful types have an outstanding ability to bring order, control and rationality to world systems and operations; which you aggressively put into action. An incredible business asset in these chaotic times.

Individuals who share your superpowers: Henry Ford, founder of Ford automotive; Martha Stewart, entrepreneur; Michelle Obama, US First Lady; Megan Kelly, Journalist; Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court Justice.


Attentive Types (ESFJ)

Extroverted Feeling  (Fe) is your North Star: Attentive types are well versed in establishing harmonious, interpersonal relationships. An incredible business attribute, as this is a decision making trait which can lead to many successful business opportunities.

Individuals who share your superpowers: Kamala Harris, U.S. Vice President (D); Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner, Penelope Cruz, actors, Prince William, U.K. royal, son of Charles and Diana; Elton John, singer-songwriter. 


How To Build A Successful Personal Brand If You Are An Extroverted Intuitive Type (NFs & NPs)* 

Harmonious Types (ENFJ)

Extroverted Feeling (Fe) is your North Star. Harmonious types have a generous adaptability which promotes the possibilities of optimizing a group’s ability to work as a team and is likely to contribute to an individual’s self growth. A valued business essential for collaboration and moving projects forward.

Others with your superpowers: Martin Luther King, Jr.,U.S. civil rights; activist, Sheryl Sandberg, executive at Facebook and author of ‘Lean In’; Joe Biden, U.S. President (D); Maya Angelou, author and poet; Reese Witherspoon, actor and entrepreneur.


Expressive Types (ENFP)

Extroverted Intuition (Ne) is your North Star: Express types are outwardly playful, innovative, clever and outwardly expressive, bound by justice with a need for individuality. These business skills are impressive and can be used in a variety of ways in diverse career pursuits. 

Your superpowers are reflected in: Mark Twain, journalist and author; Oscar Wilde, playwright; Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks; Walt Disney, founder of The Walt Disney Company; Alan Watts, writer and speaker on Buddhism; Gwen Stefani, No Doubt.


Assured Types (ENTJ)

Extroverted Thinking (Te) is your North Star: Assured types reorganize, analyze, and optimize data produced by society, then works to create actionable conclusive plans. You can become an impartial expert on vast amounts of data, uber important in the age of data.

Those who share your superpowers: Aristotle, Greek philosopher, student of Plato, mentor of Alexander; Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator (D); Adele, singer-songwriter; Tea Leoni, actor.


Curious Types (ENTP)

Extroverted Intuition (Ne) is your North Star: Curious types are uber curious and seek endless opportunities. They have the ability to make unexpected connections between people, places and situations with a desire to understand the world. A business asset for these times when diversity, and inclusiveness are uber important.  

Individuals who share your superpowers: 


Hope You Enjoyed Learning About The Best Personal Branding Tips For Extroverts

As an extrovert, building a personal brand involves embodying both the physical (logical) and nonphysical (intuitive) aspect of the self; operating as the one true self. When you realize this magnificent potential, you’ll consistently take actions based on your higher conscious self.  The ego, and its incessant wanting will no longer suffocate the real you, as your embodied self realizes you are here to  serve a higher purpose beyonds the ego’s understanding.

It begins by embracing your Myers-Briggs type; the good, bad and the ugly. The Gifs, stereotyping and horrific 1×1 squares are external exaggerations of a persona. Just another example of ego-fed false beliefs to get likes, followers, comments…

By embracing your extraordinary extroverted qualities and focusing on your true self you can transform your personal brand into a powerhouse, unlike any other. 

Remember, your extroverted primary trait (North Star) is your greatest asset. It’s the lighthouse of your personal brand.

I know this to be true because this is precisely how it works in my life.  Schedule a guided session to learn more about your personality’s superpowers.



Check out my YouTube video for enhanced learning. 


Clarity Session

You know what they say: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” After years on the psychiatrist’s couch, countless masterclasses, and working with various coaches, I still felt like something was off. I was struggling—lost without my voice, my vision, and any clear solution in sight.

Then came my life tsunami. It was through embracing spirit-driven teachings and the psychological tools of Dr. Nix, Ph.D., that I uncovered my true calling: Spiritual Personality Typing (SPT). This emerging typology is a roadmap to your authentic self, bridging your soul (higher consciousness) with your personality (the soul in action). It’s perfect for business who desire to successfully weather these transformative times.

I offer bespoke 1:1  clarity sessions that just may be what you need to stop merely living your life and start creating the life of your dreams!”  


“Working with Nina helped me remove the blind spots that were holding me back”, Judith Wilms, TedX, Author. A bespoke clarity session maybe just what you need to stop living your life and instead create the life of your dreams!



Book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide

New here? Curious about travel personality typing? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is your gateway to discovering your true self through travel. This book serves as the ultimate toolkit, introducing an exciting personality framework rooted in spirituality.

Inside, you’ll uncover how the joys of travel provide the perfect playground for self-awareness, complete with reflective questions that guide you on your journey. Explore top destinations for adventure, relaxation, and inspiration, along with practical tips for leveraging your personality preferences to create more fulfilling getaways. By harmonizing the insights of your personality with your inner guide (your higher self), you can elevate your travel experiences, embracing both worldly wonders and divine transcendence.

For me, travel has become a powerful way to embody my true self, whether I’m exploring distant lands or my own backyard. Ready to embark on this journey?

Grab your copy here. 


Step Into The Pages of the Book with Moi! Schedule a personalized 1:1 power hour where we explore your travel personality in detail. 


Welcome, Friends… It’s Time for a New Life!

Ready to connect with an amazing community? Dive in and subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter! It’s your go-to hub for true self living.  A newsletter packed with practical tips and insights to help you understand yourself better. Don’t miss out—join today and embrace a true self lifestyle.

Part of my purpose is to help you rethink how you see yourself and your business. What I now know is we don’t need more work; we need what works. Additionally, you also don’t need anyone telling you what to do!

This community is all about helping you reset, restore, and reinvent yourself. Let’s keep the conversation going on Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium @ninazapala, or on YouTube @ninazapalaENTP.

For career women who think they can do it all, empty nesters, newly widowed or divorced women, young mothers, and artful agers who want to carve out a new season in life. I’ve got you! Listen you’re never to old to fully embrace who you’re meant to be.

The world needs YOU—not some version of you.

Discover Spiritual Personality Typing. It’s a new personality paradigm that helps you embody your true self. 



Nina Zapala combines personality typing with spirituality in a vibrant, creative way that sets her apart. More importantly it helps you find your true self. She is renowned for making brands distinctive, unforgettable and successful. What she learned engaging with hundreds of women—whip-smart entrepreneurs, digital innovators and creatives, and corporate leaders is that we all long for meaning and purpose. Learning this and going through her own tsunami has fueled her passion to help women everywhere be true to themselves. Empowering women to discover their own magic and potential be it in business or learning to master artful aging; a time to build new dreams! .

*Please note the names of the personality types are taken from my debut book.

Photo Credit: Brooke Cagle



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you.