How can you love being an extrovert and truly own your truth? Start by embracing the powerful energy you radiate. It’s all about energy flow. When you operate from your authentic self, you have the power to transform cultures, spark movements, and achieve great things—think of icons like Reese Witherspoon, Michelle Obama, and Taylor Swift.

Here’s something you might not know about me: I’m an ENTP, the Curious type. I live at the intersection of introversion (49%) and extroversion (51%). This balance is central to my truth, passion, and purpose.

I believe we co-create with the Divine before we are born, selecting personalities that best support our soul’s journey in this lifetime. My mission is to help you view Myers-Briggs through a spiritual lens, understanding the unique energy flow of both introverts and extroverts.

Your persona is perfectly aligned with your soul mission, just as mine is with mine. Embrace it fully and watch as your truth empowers you to achieve extraordinary things!


Extra Resources: Love Being Extrovert and Own Your Truth

I’ve talked a great deal about my 7-year life tsunami and shared personal stories. Yep, the liberating and costly lessons this life season taught me. As you journey through your painful life season, I’m hopeful my mistakes will benefit you. I spotlight my personal stories and life lessons (lessons are blessings) exclusively in Nina’s Newsletter – click here to join.

Craving more? Schedule a mentoring session to learn more about re-seeing your Myers-Briggs- Type thought a spiritual looking glass.  It’s where we work together to get to know your personality in all its glorious details. 

If you prefer a video on the topic, check out my YouTube channel. 


Your Personality Is Attached to Your Soul’s Evolution

My passion and purpose are to help you rethink personality typing through a spiritual lens. Divine intelligence knew I needed to experience both introverted and extroverted behaviors to fulfill my mission. My personality aligns perfectly with my soul’s intentions, empowering me to step fully into my power, passion, and purpose.

And please, just because I am an extrovert doesn’t mean I fully grasp what your world is like. Your experiences are shaped by your unique childhood stories, life challenges, and relationships—both loving and difficult. Even if I tried, I couldn’t truly imagine your world without falling into stereotypes or oversimplifications. However, I do understand general patterns of behavior, and that’s a valuable insight.

What I do know is that we are all created from a Divine light of love. As spiritual wisdom teaches us, we are “spiritual beings having a human experience.” Let’s embrace that truth together and discover the depth of our shared journey. Understand, your extroverted traits are uniquely positioned to help your soul evolve – to ignite your true calling.


Carl Jung saw extroverts’ focus as outwardly directed, leading them to act more extensively. –– Carl Jung, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and the founder of analytical psychology.


How to Love Being an Extrovert and Own Your Truth

So, how do you, as an extrovert, truly own your truth? It starts with observing and being aware of your energy. When you’re energized and vibrant from an outer world experience, you’re in truth-based energy. It feels right and makes you come alive. On the other hand, if your energy feels hesitant and off, you’re moving into fear-based energy.

Once you understand your true self, you’ll become clear-headed, confident, and courageous. No one can shake your confidence because you own your greatness. You’re not just playing the game; you’re playing to win. Embrace your truth and let your energy shine!


Love Your Extrovertedness: It’s Electric Because It’s Truthful!

You know that electric feeling when you step into your truth? It’s because you’ve aligned with your true self and soul essence. You’re now channeling Divinely inspired messages and actions into your reality. This magical union between your soul and fearless personality creates a seamless flow in your world. You instinctively know the right words to say, when to pivot, and how to make decisions that lead to extraordinary outcomes. With this understanding, you release judgment and embrace the truth that we’re all Divinely guided to evolve on this earth. Celebrate your electric extrovertedness—it’s your most truthful and powerful self!


Let’s Stop Stereotyping Extroverts. –– Nina Zapala, author: Unpack Your Personality – my debut book about self-understanding, choosing your reality and living a life you love!


Rise Above Stereotyping: Embrace Your Extroversion and Love Who You Are

I recently took an online quiz from a popular blogger to determine if I was an introvert or an extrovert. The quiz labeled me an introvert, which didn’t surprise me given that I’m almost evenly split. However, what did surprise me was the claim that “introverts prefer deeper relationships while extroverts prefer more superficial ones.”


I found that statement both insulting and completely off the mark. While extroverts may initially engage with a wide range of people due to their natural tendencies, they too seek deep and meaningful relationships as they grow and mature. Stereotyping half of the population is simply unfair and misguided.

Our society is rife with polarizing issues—politics, gender, race, and even personality typing. The memes and stereotypes about personality types can be hurtful and misleading, causing unnecessary self-doubt.

Here’s the truth: everyone is created with Divine intelligence, possessing a unique personality and soul with a mission to evolve. People will come and go in your life, each playing a role in your soul’s journey, whether that interaction is positive or challenging. For extroverts, striking up conversations and engaging with others is a natural energy flow. So, rise above the stereotypes and celebrate your extroversion. Embrace who you are with confidence and joy!


As an extrovert, you look at the world in these ways: thoughtfully, aware of the world, while reflecting on what it all means, with the ability to express it. What a beautiful gift. – Nina Zapala, Founder, Spiritual Personality Typing.®


Welcome the External World: It’s an Energy Thing

You have a natural talent for leading, whether it’s a small group, a community, or a larger collective. In these chaotic times, you, as an extrovert, often feel less overwhelmed. Why? Because you’re deeply connected to the world around you. You thrive in the busyness and vibrant interactions that the physical world offers. You embrace the energy of engagement and action, finding your place and purpose in the midst of it all.


Own Your True Self As An Extrovert

Let’s be clear about what I mean. When I talk about loving your extroverted nature and owning your truth, I’m not referring to ego-driven bravado. I’m speaking from a place of fearless purpose and genuine alignment. Imagine a powerful, passionate extrovert so centered in their true self that they effortlessly embody their inner soul and inspire everyone they meet with their Divine energy. You radiate positivity.

You’ve embraced the freedom to be quiet and reflective when needed, without fear or guilt. This balance allows you to channel your passion, excitement, and joy more authentically. I’ve experienced this transformation myself. I’ve stepped off the hamster wheel of constant activity, learned to say no, and found peace in not needing to be involved in everything. It’s incredibly freeing and empowering.


Your abundant magnetic energy lives in the possibility of changing worlds, showing up for others, and sharing how beautiful the world is. It’s one of your greatest SUPERPOWERS. ––An excerpt from the upcoming book: 16 Personalities Unpacked: Myers-Briggs Taken An Enlightened Vacation, author Nina Zapala


How to Love Being an Extrovert While Owning Your Truth

Have I sparked your belief that embracing your truth as an extrovert can truly transform your world? Here are some real-world extroverts who’ve discovered their truth and now light up the world with their incredible presence:

  • Express Types, ENFP: Your creativity and humor enrich the world, making it a better place. Think Ellen DeGeneres and J.J. Abrams, who infuse their unique charm into everything they do.

  • Curious Types, ENTP: With your unconventional creativity and playful spirit, you’re always innovating. Amy Poehler and Hugh Grant showcase their wacky, inventive brilliance.

  • Harmonious Types, ENFJ: You see the world through a lens of justice and humanitarianism, using your persuasive skills for positive change. Bono, Reese Witherspoon, and Rashida Jones embody this beautiful vision.

  • Assured Types, ENTJ: You show us how to make a big impact with your larger-than-life personality. Adele, Katharine Hepburn, and Tea Leoni demonstrate how powerful confidence can be.

  • Playful Types, ESFP: Your passion and originality bring fun and flair to the world. Katy Perry, Pink, and Nicki Minaj embody this vibrant energy with their captivating presence.

  • Spirited Types, ESTP: Your determined, adventurous spirit injects excitement into life. Anna Wintour, Angelina Jolie, and Taylor Swift exemplify how fearless pursuit of freedom can inspire others.

  • Attentive Types, ESFJ: As natural nurturers, you offer compassion and understanding with an open heart. Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Garner, and Anne Hathaway show how deeply caring souls can make a difference.

  • Dutiful Types, ESTJ: You uphold tradition and build strong communities with gratitude and dedication. Condoleezza Rice, Michelle Obama, Courteney Cox, and Lucy Liu remind us of the importance of commitment and honor.

Embrace your extroverted nature and let your truth shine brightly—your impact can be extraordinary!


I attract a crowd, not because I’m an extrovert or I’m over the top or I’m oozing with charisma. It’s because I care. – Gary Vaynerchuk



-Breathe deeply and envision what your world would look like if you would live more freely; as you breathe in, commit to taking one baby step today without judging, and as you exhale, let it go to reveal what vision arises. Repeat this throughout the day. It’s a great daily meditation, journal, or creative prompt.

An additional resource:

  • Another blog of interest on being true to yourself – click here to read more.


Did you Enjoy: How to Love Being an Extrovert Own Your Truth

I hope you found How to Love Being an Extrovert and Own Your Truth inspiring. If you’ve realized that you are more than just an extrovert—considering your unique personality, life experiences, societal conditioning, and childhood influences—then you understand that your extroverted nature is exactly what your spirit-fed self needs to fulfill its earthly mission. Embrace your extroverted qualities; they are integral to achieving your soul’s purpose.


The Book

Unlock Your True Potential with My Debut Book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide

Are you ready to transform your life and discover the key to living a life you truly love? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is your essential first step toward self-discovery and empowerment.

This isn’t just any self-help book—it’s a powerful guide designed to help you delve deep into your personality, understand your unique strengths, and harness that knowledge to shape the life of your dreams. Imagine having a roadmap that leads directly to your true self, guiding you to make choices that align with your deepest desires and aspirations.

By exploring the insights in this book, you’ll uncover the tools and strategies needed to unlock your full potential. Whether you’re seeking to build confidence, pursue your passions, or simply create a more fulfilling life, Unpack Your Personality will empower you to take control of your journey and craft the reality you’ve always wanted.

Don’t just dream about the life you want—take action and make it a reality. Start your transformative journey today with Unpack Your Personality and let your inner guide lead the way to a life you love.


Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️

I’m offering a pioneering and revolutionary approach to personality assessment with a unique blend of Myers-Briggs® personality typing and spiritual insight. This innovative personality paradigm emerged from my own journey through life’s challenges and deep conversations with countless women who have grappled with feelings of being lost, purposeless, and disconnected from their true selves.

Through her personal experiences and profound understanding, my mission is to help women everywhere gain a deep understanding of their true selves—the essence of who they really are. To empower women everywhere to embrace their unique, divine essence, irrespective of age, relationship status, or social standing.

It’s a a modern day personality theory that is both powerful and liberating helping you recognize, and pursue your true calling with confidence – unshackled from societal expectations. Embrace your authentic self and pursue your dreams with newfound clarity and purpose.


Explore Your Unique Feminine Archetype—Free Guide Available!

I’ve created (16) feminine personal brand archetypes that are built on the foundation of a Myers-Briggs® with a spiritual focus. These archetypes offer a comprehensive framework to help women entrepreneurs align with the personal  brand to encourage a purpose-filled and meaningful life. It’s all about cultivating a true self lifestyle that initiates spiritual wisdom which expresses itself through your unique, spiritually-enriched, personality type.

Are you navigating a career change, starting anew or exploring what’s next for this season of life? Discover the power of your unique feminine archetype with my exclusive guide, based on a modern Myers-Briggs® framework. To get your free ebook and gain insights tailored just for you, simply send me a message with “feminine archetype.” Don’t miss this chance to align with your true self and take confident strides into your new direction!

Whether you’re journeying through midlife magic, transitioning from a corporate career to a spirit-led path, or using travel as a classroom for self-discovery, our blog will be your go-to guide. Stay tuned for insightful content designed to empower women worldwide to fully embrace and celebrate their authentic selves!

Sign up here to get notified about new posts.


Additional resources:

1. Extended Learning on the blog: Are Extroverts Happier and Introverts More Thoughtful?

2. Watch on YouTube as I dive a bit deeper to further enhance your self-understanding.

3. My debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Gives a detailed look at personality types with a spiritual understanding.


Join the Movement if You Are Ready to Life a Life You Love

Join Nina’s Newsletter, a community rooted in grace, support, and authenticity, encouraging a lifestyle centered around your true self. You’ll receive insights, journal prompts, book recommendations, and more. Subscribe today and become an insider. Receive exclusive access to new courses, upcoming live “ask me anything” sessions, and onsite retreats…

My debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is a blend of personality typing, and spirituality, and brings forth the idea of traveling a classroom for self-discovery. A book that introduces my pioneering theory of personality typing with a spiritual focus. It all starts with the belief that we are spirit beings having a human experience, moving beyond the 1940s personality paradigm. Grab your copy here.


Let’s Get Social 




It’s Time to Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP. 


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Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊