Step 1: How to Realize Your Potential
Step 1: How to realize your potential is a big topic, but you gotta start somewhere, so why not here! Realizing your potential is the gateway to an exciting new future. You’ll boldly become the map-maker of your life. You step into a world full of unlimited possibilities and self-expansion, tuning in to new pathways […]
A New Perception You’re More Than Your Personality
A new perception: you’re more than your personality type. What? No, I’m not crazy; here’s why. Your personality type is a set of traits, indicators, characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors – it’s how you show up in the world. Yes, of course, your personality type influences you. In fact, it infiltrates every aspect of your life. […]
How To Be An Authentic Extrovert Think Traits
How to be an authentic extrovert think traits. WHAT? Yes, I know. We’ve been conditioned to believe biased information about being an extrovert — I believe these conditioned beliefs need to be un-believed. I know it’s a new way to think, but I want you to know you are not an EXTROVERT. You do, however, possess dominant […]
How To Be The Authentic Introvert Think Traits
How to be the authentic introvert think traits. WHAT? Yes, I know you’ve been told to believe you are just an introvert, but you’re not. I know it’s a new way to think, but I want you to know you are not just an INTROVERT. You do, however, possess definitive introverted cognitive functions. These patterns, […]
Is Your Fashion Style Authentic?
Is your fashion style authentic? How do you create your fashion style? Juicy questions, right? I’ll answer these questions to guide you into an exceptional style, mind, and life! How many of you rely on what the supposed fashion experts say we should love? Answer honestly. What if before you purchased another piece of clothing, a […]
Which Personality Types Have an Edge Feelers or Thinkers?
Which types have an edge, feelers or thinkers? I answer this question from an academic and spiritual perspective, giving you a crystal-clear look at these traits from both the physical and non-physical. My belief: When you take an intuitive approach in dealing with feeling and thinking traits, it speeds up the journey to the true […]
How To Be Strong When Change Swirls Around You?
How to be Strong When Change Swirls Around You? We live in times of anxiety, overwhelm, and fear, but do we have to experience it on the daily? If we choose to do so, then yes, but I don’t believe we do. What I’m seeing in my mentoring sessions is that many people come to […]
How to Remove the Mask Using Spiritual Personality Typing?
How to remove the mask using spiritual personality typing uses the idea of personality typing with a spiritual understanding: Spiritual Personality Typing. An emerging typology that harnesses the power of personal creation–a blending of soul and personality — your higher-conscious self; the real you! When you fully embrace this new way of thinking around Myers-Briggs® […]