96% of People Fail When Trying to Better Themselves —Here’s My Secret to Better

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Why do 96% of people fail when trying to better themselves? This statistic comes from a Business Insider article authored by Srinivas Rao, who hosts The Unmistakable Creative podcast. The article’s premise is to take action and use a catalyst to motivate a better self. I took action, thought myself into a stupor, and leaned into […]

Personality Typing Isn’t Your Identity. It’s a Tool Part Two

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Your personality type is a tool. It uses a set of indicators supported by your True Self to help you take Divinely inspired actions. Remember, the True Self is your conduit for Divine intelligence. I don’t believe your personality type identifies you. It supports your soul self, which is your eternal being, the who of […]

Your Personality Isn’t Your Identity: It’s A Tool

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Your personality isn’t your identity: it’s a tool. I believe it to be an expression of your soul: the Divine guide within. When you operate from this POV, your personality becomes an expression of your soul’s desires, guiding you to take inspired, purposeful action from your true self. When you soly rely on your personality — […]

A 7-Year Life Tsunami Had Me Facing My Fears

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A 7-year life tsunami had me facing my fears, unveiling shadow energies. Each one arrived with a different lesson I needed to learn. It was a time of great pain, many challenges, and a grand emergence. It took a lot of work, yet I discovered my Divinely Inspired personality type from the chaos. As I […]

How to Rediscover Your Childlike Personality?

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How to rediscover the joy of reconnecting with your pure, childlike personality. When your personality is in its most authentic, childlike state, it becomes naturally curious, playful, and deeply intuitive, guided by Divine Intelligence. Imagine your childlike self as a free-spirited being, unburdened by societal expectations. Eager to explore this playful side of your personality? […]

Three Ways Listening Helps You Better Understand Your True Self

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Three ways listening helps you better understand your true SELF was a message I received on a meditative walk. When I walk, I typically have a question to ask Divine Intelligence. The question on my mind the other day was, “How can I listen more deeply to what my spirit guides are trying to tell […]

How To Remove External Layers Of Fear From Your Persona?

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How to remove the external layers of fear from your persona? For many of us, the answer to this question is revealed in your primary personality trait, the Essential Self. First, you need to unravel your ambitions, passions, and grand desires of who you think you need to be. Pressed for time, watch the 5-minute […]

How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing?

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How to find yourself through spiritual personality typing is a big question with a four-word answer. Understand your personality type. Easy-peasy right? Well, yes, and no. The world isn’t easy-peasy. It’s changing rapidly. It’s chaotic, and what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Our transitioning world is causing eight out of ten Americans to be anxious, […]