7 Ways to Know If You’re Showing Up As An Authentic Entrepreneur

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Showing up as an authentic entrepreneur; these 7 insights let you know if you’re heading in the right direction or use them to get on the path. Either way I hope you find these 7 tips to be helpful tools to embrace authentic personal branding. Many pundits are insisting we embrace authentic, personal branding. While […]

One Woman’s Journey of Reinvention and Lessons Learned

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One woman’s journey of reinvention and lessons learned is an inspiring story of a prominent businesswomen Ms. Tammy Petersen, an ENFP, founded a thriving wellness business. One that had taken years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice to create. She had all the marks of success—financial stability, professional recognition, and a team she was proud […]

Learn The Best Personal Branding Tips For Introverts

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Learn the best personal branding tips for introverts is a new post that focuses on understanding your brand–your personality type–especially your North Star. The primary trait, the guiding light in your business and life. Traditional typology defines the primary trait, as a dominant personality preference. It’s the trait you use the most.  An interesting take […]