A list of my favorite 50 self- help books

When I need help, I turn to self-help books. The last ten years have been a roller-coaster ride of grand proportions. My life had become a gigantic shit-show. And I say this in all honesty, I died and was reborn. Everything in my life was turned right-side-up and upside-down. Joel Osteen unspooled the story of the last decade, weariness.

On a Journey to Embrace a New Me in 2020

Over the last ten years, as I call it my “weariness decade,” what I’ve learned the unknown is embraceable. I know this to be true; I will always be on a journey of self-growth and awareness. Much of my growth came from the wisdom I found in books. Below is a list of my favorite 50 self-help books.

The List of 50 Self-Help Books

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A few of my favorite self-help books

This list is my personal list. I encourage you to read through the list and hover over the book titles. If one resonates with you, you may want to look further to see if it’s the right read for you. What I do know is every one of these books presented itself to me when I needed it most. I hope you find this to be true for you. Note: These books can are all on Amazon. Tip: I tend to get used books. For me, it’s about recycling.

1. The Impersonal Life – Joesph S. Benner

2. Memories of the Afterlife; Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation – Michael Newton Ph.D.

3.The Tao of Pooh – Benjamin Hoff

4. The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing, Ester Hicks

5. The Nature of Personal Reality -Jane Roberts

6. The Undeveloped Sense: The Dilemma of the Individual in Modern Society – Carl Jung, C.G.

7. Seven Thousand Ways to Listen – Mark Nepro

8. Dr. Gundy’s Diet Revolution – Steven R. Gundry

9. Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives – Michael Newton

10. A Little Book of Japanese Contentments: Ikiga, Forest Bathing, Waibi-sabi and More – Miimi Erin Longhurst

11. Personality Hacker: Harness the Power of Your Personality Type to Transform Your Work, Relationships, and Life: Mark Joel Witt

12. Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead – Silver Tosha

13. The Impersonal Life, The Way Out, The Way Beyond, Wealth, The Teacher, Joesph Benner

14. Jesus Calling, Devotions for Everyday of the Year – Hallmark Publishing

15. The Art of Nonconformity -Chris Guillebeau

16. Future Board: Learn How to Create Vision Board to Get Exactly the Life You Want – Sarah Centrella

17. The Beautiful No – Sheri Salata

18. Do it Scared: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Adversity and Create a Life You Love – Ruth Soukup

19. Nurture Healing Love – Scarlett Lewis

20. The Art of Noticing: 131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in Your Life – Rob Walker

21. The Open Road: The Global Journey of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama – Pico Iyer

22. Life Unstyled: How to Embrace Imperfect and Create a Home you Love – Emily Henson

23. The Four Tendencies – Gretchen Ruben

24. The 100 Journeys for the Spirit: Sacred * Inspiring * Mysterious * Enlightening – Pico Iyer

25. Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Producive, and Happy Life – Brian Solis

26. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth – Harv T. Eker

27. Blue Mind: – Wallace J. Nichols

28. Chasing Slow: Courage to Journey off the Beaten Path – Erin Loechner

29. Blessed in the Darkness – Joel Osteen

30. Girl Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be – Rachel Hollis

31. Angels in My Hair: The True Story of a Modern-Day Irish Mystic – Lorna Byrne

32. A Course in Miracles – Marianne Williamson

33. Soul Shifts – Dr. Barbara De Angelis

34. Ask and it is Given – Ester and Jerry Hicks

35. Type Talk – Otto Kroeger and Janet M Thuesen

36. Psychological Types – CG Jung

37. Bracing the Wilderness/Rising Strong – Brene Brown

38. Discovering Your Soul Signature – Panache Desai

39. Soul Type – Sandra Krebs Hirsh and Jane A.G. Kise

40. When Everything Changes, Change Everything – Neil Donald Walsch

41. Conversations with God One, Two and Three – Neil Donald Walsch

42. The Day I Met Jesus: Fank Viola and Mary Demuth

43. The Voice of Knowledge – Don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

44. Power of Freedom and Grace – Deepak Chopra

45. Directing Your Destiney – Jennifer Grace

46. Creating True Prosperity/Creative Visualization – Shakti Gawain

47. Evolved Enterprise – Yanik Silver

48. Contacting Your Spirit Guide – Sylvia Brown

49. You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay

50. Wishes Fulfilled, The Power of Intention, You’ll See It When You Believe It, The Power of Intention – Wayne Dyer

A list of my favorite 50 self-help books

A few more of my personal favorites

There you have my list of 50 favorite self-help books. I’ve read many more leaning on authors like Caroline Myss, Dr. Christian Northrup, Dr. Joesph Dispenza, Gabrielle Bernstein, and hundreds of business books. I’ll admit I’m a book nerd. 🤓

These authors helped me find my light through some of my darkest hours. The words in these books and the support of beautiful friends were a lifeline.

The darkness taught me a lot. It’s helped me get real with Unpack Your Personality, which I feel has been mapped into my DNA. I also learned when I found my authentic self and stepped away from my ego-conscious, created self. I attracted the best of friends. Friends that didn’t judge but supported me on my growth. Of course, my family was and will also be my greatest teacher.

Thanks for Taking the Time

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this list, and it sparks you to read a few books. I’m a bit of a book nerd. I love traditional print books, and reading is one of my habits I won’t ever throw away!

For now, happy reading. Feel free to sign up to get blogs as their published, and I’m going deep this year on Unpack Your Personalty. Stay tuned for the free quiz, a podcast, and more. For now, follow me socially on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.

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