How to Use Personality Preferences to Build Trust: Part One

How to use personality preferences to build trust is another step on the path of finding your true self.  

What is trust, and why is it so important?

Trust is a reliance or confidence, a firm belief in another’s character, an unseen value between two people or within a culture. Today, trust is being examined by millions of us. People from around the world are questioning government agencies, medical systems, religious communities… 

So, who do you trust? A quick answer, yourself, and of course the spark of Divine consciousness within.

I’m addressing this topic as I’ve been struggling with a trust issue. Funny, I received an answer from my inner spark of conscious Intelligence, yet I still find myself questioning. 

Has this ever happened to you? You get a message and then make up every excuse in the world as to why it won’t work. Honestly, I feel we all practice this behavior, and I believe trust in yourself is an escalating issue.

Struggle found me because I’ve veered off the path of my true SELF, not living my truth. Truth doesn’t waver. It’s reliable, never changing, and can always be trusted. If you don’t know your truth, how can you trust? You’ve not defined your idea of trust.

Personality Preferences Play A Huge Role in Building Trust

I’ve learned over the years when something is triggering me, look to your personality for the answer. Since the issue of trust is often based on a decision, I went to the judging preferences of feeling and thinking these traits help us make decisions.

Ahh, I hit the jackpot. I’ve been struggling with my extroverted thinking (Ti) trait, realizing it’s not in sync with my Essential Self, extroverted intuition (Ne).

Funny enough, the answer I received came from the realm of non-physical, the spark of Divine within — beyond the physical world of five senses. It’s a realm where the magic and mysteries of life unfold — the spiritual world of the unseen.

My thinking trait is focused on the physical world of logic — (Ti), which can be skeptical and logical, pushing me to believe an idea or action is impractical.

Can you begin to see how struggle could manifest in this situation?

If you don’t have time to read, How to Use Your Personality Preferences to Build Trust, click here for the cliff notes, or if you prefer, check out my Pinterest story or Instagram reel. Head on over to my YouTube channel, where I’ve posted a 30-minute video if you want to explore this topic further.

I offer one-on-one guided soul sessions for those who want to learn more about personality typing with a spiritual understanding, book a personalized session with me.


Definition of trust: A reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something or one in which confidence is placed

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary

Trust Starts With Knowing Yourself?

I believe the only way you can trust yourself or others begins with knowing your true SELF. You’re confident and clear about your intended desires instead of relying on your conditioned self. 

There is a Big Distinction Between the True SELF and the Conditioned Self. 

  • My definition of the true SELF is a fearless personality type, co-creating with your soul SELF allowing Divine Intelligence to express inspired actions through your physical reality, aka your personality. Ahh, the true SELF in action; it exudes joy, passion, and purpose.
  • The conditioned self is the smaller self, less powerful, and highly engaged with the physical world. This self seeks external validations as a way to define yourself. We are taught to ride the hamster wheel of life, get good grades, go to university, pick a career, find a soul mate, love, start a family, work hard, retire, and die — without questioning any of it.

If you rely on the external world to build trust, who are you putting your trust in? An institution, a system, or an industry. The time is now to begin questioning who you believe is trustworthy. My intention is that after you read this post, you’ll start to realize that trusting yourself is the way to the true SELF.

And please, don’t blame yourself or feel guilty that you’ve trusted an untrustworthy system. We’ve all been led to believe otherwise.


Trust in yourself. Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe. Claudia Black, Australian Actor


How to Use Your Personality Preferences to Build Trust

Every personality is assigned four preferences, according to Myers-Briggs©️ , which creates one of the 16 personality types. Each preference indicates certain behaviors and characteristics. What I am focusing on are the decision-making traits of feeling and thinking.

I believe trusting yourself is often a result of many small decisions accumulating positive outcomes over time. Yes, of course, we hit bumps along the road. Fear and ego are always present, ready to teach us life lessons. Hopefully, we learn our lessons, dust ourselves off, start making new decisions, and take a new course of action.

Are you familiar with your decision-making traits? Have you explored this trait and how it works in your life? If not, you’re not alone. I believe many people take their personality type for granted, and many more don’t even know what their type is!

Not preaching, just saying your personality type is foundational to everything you do in life. Without this knowledge trusting yourself can become an issue. What ends up happening is we fall prey to conditioned beliefs. When I look out into the world and see how unhappy many of us are, I’d say this programmed way isn’t working.

If you don’t understand your judging traits, trusting yourself becomes elusive. Nina Zapala, Founder of Spiritual Personality Typing.


Your Judging Traits Are a Gateway to Trusting Yourself

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist and a pioneer in typology, classified thinking and feeling as judging functions. These functions critique, evaluate, help you make decisions, and draw conclusions regarding new information we’ve gathered.

I believe these functions play a dynamic role in trusting ourselves and others. We must first understand how they work in our lives, but that’s not enough. A spiritual practice to know what triggers these functions into unhealthy states is also required to become truly knowledgeable about who you really are. 

Let’s do some digging and explore your judging traits!


Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Personality types with a (Fi) trait tend to be highly invested in the well-being of a select few and without attachment to the emotional harmony of a group. This trait helps you define your authenticity, self-direction, self-understanding, and individuality to inform your views.

This preference is inward in nature. It’s about personal uniqueness. A trust trigger may arise when you are prompted to go against a value that questions your image of authenticity. 

A trigger may arise in situations where you feel someone is superficial and insincere. These judgments may be accurate, but if you evaluate information from your perspective only, you will see the world from a very narrow viewpoint, ignoring the individuality of others, which goes against your core beliefs. A struggle of trust is likely.

Breathwork may be very useful. It can give you the time-out you need when making a decision. If you need longer, ask for it.  


Extroverted Feeling (Fe)

The innate gift of (Fe) is the ability to read and restore another’s emotional state. A capability to help you establish harmony and mutual understanding with others to get everyone on the same emotional page.

Outward in nature, this trait isn’t inclined to look within. With that said, you rarely take time to examine your feelings, becoming self-sacrificing.

A trust trigger can arise if you receive a message to take action for yourself, which is counterintuitive as your passion is to take action for the well-being of others.

A spiritual practice of reflection, journaling, and meditating would be beneficial to help you realize that it’s OK to put yourself first every once in a while.


“Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.” Dr. Santosh Kalwar, Author Writer Poet


Introverted Thinking (Ti)

A (Ti) judging function is inward-facing. It helps you rationalize and understand conceptual ideas to redefine personal strategies and theories. A trait that is skeptical, self-regulating, and optimizing craving independence and autonomy.

In my example, example, I received a message to take a specific action. A trust trigger arose as I began fearing the loss of my autonomy — a conditioned response. Another message revealed if I can’t trust an answer from, Divinely Intelligence how can I trust anything in life, myself included?

A spiritual practice that I use daily is meditative walking and spiritual readings to help me get out of my head and align with the true SELF.


Extroverted Thinking (Te)

A personality with a (Te) function is highly logical, a numbers wizard who uses rationality to make systems efficient. A left-brained individual for sure. 

Extroverted thinking (Te) is an outward trait, excelling at standardizing and optimizing systems and technology. Decision-making allows you to qualify systems applying research and facts to gain understanding. Trust triggers will naturally arise when research, facts, and numbers are removed from the decision-making process. In these situations, trusting yourself becomes difficult.

Individuals with this trait will find a stillness practice especially useful. You’ll need to go within to review your inner world of research. A question to ponder, will you draw upon information from your storehouse of knowledge, or will you allow another to add to your existing body of research? None of us live in a world of only our own doings, a reminder to trust yourself in this knowing.

You can benefit significantly from reflecting on another’s contribution so before you deem it unworthy, gather with others for discussion – a beautiful way to expand your (Te) trait.


Can You Now Understand How Personality Preferences Help You Build Trust?


Recap: How to Use Your Personality Preferences to Build Trust

– What is trust, and who do you trust?

– Knowing your judging preferences is the top way to build trust in yourself,

– Trust begins by knowing yourself and understanding the difference between the true SELF and the conditioned self,

– A review of each judging trait; Si, Se, Ti, and Te, and how each one can cause trust triggers

More About Spiritual Personality Typing™️

I hope you found How to Use Personality Preferences to Build Trust: Part Two eye-opening. I’m passionate and intentional about introducing the idea of personality tying with a spiritual understanding to help you awaken to your true SELF.

The career personality typing model of the 1950s is fine. Yet, as we awaken to our spiritual needs, we must use the gifts of a childlike personality fearless, pure, and healthy to support our spiritual self.

The spiritual aspect of the self uses a healthy persona to express trademark soul intentions, prompting us to take Divinely inspired action in all we do. Ahh, the true SELF in action; it’s with you always exuding joy, passion, and purpose.


I say Don’t Change Yourself. Find Your SELF.  Learn more in my upcoming book, Unpack Your Personality Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide

You Are Not Alone in Life’s Transitions

Are you wondering, “Who Am I?” “How did I get here?” “Why Am I Here?” You are not alone in your quest for answers, yet 93% of people want to change something about themselves.

Why change what Divine Intelligence created you to be? The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing©️ answers life’s most challenging questions while also illuminating the gifts you are here to share with the world.

In times of confusion and chaos, critical decision-making skills are needed the most. The choices you make today can alter the course of your life.

I’m sharing the liberating lessons and soul wisdom I gained going through my transitional 7-year life tsunami to guide you through your life transitions. The time is now. It’s never too late to begin again! Learn how I can help you reinvent yourself today. 

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Ready to find yourself? If so, I’d love to see you on YouTube,  PinterestLinkedIn, or Instagram, the best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to my email list.

It’s Time to Discover; The Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, founder, and a Curious Type, ENTP.

Photo by Ali Karimiboroujeni



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I’m on a mission to help you rediscover your true self through Spiritual Personality Typing™️.

This approach is designed for those seeking deeper meaning and purpose in life, blending innate soul-led wisdom with logical intelligence. It’s an enlightened method to manifest a life you love, offering a roadmap to connect with your inner guide—the Divine wisdom within you.

This new personality paradigm integrates spiritual insights with the Myers-Briggs® framework, aiming to help you uncover your purpose, reinvent your life, and reveal your true self. Book a clarity call here to explore this transformative journey.

  • Entrepreneurs guided by their soul can benefit from tools, tips, and creative resources tailored to uncover their true calling. Book a mentoring call here to get started.

  • Are you hungry for self-discovery & more enriching vacations? Knowing your travel personality type is essential. Explore it, and get tips and travel hacks in my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Embrace the journey to a more fulfilling adventure. 

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

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