33 Ways to Love Your Personality is an illuminating read. It highlights many different ways to love yourself. Enjoy your personality type as the beautiful gift it’s intended to be – a supportive spiritual tool to help you define your sacred purpose, totally in alignment with your truth!

Yes, we are here to fall in love, but what if we are here to learn to love, ourselves and others, unconditionally? Nina Zapala, Founder of Spiritual Personality Typing™️

How to Love Your Personality

I used to ask myself, why am I the loud, argumentative, energetic type? I wanted to be more like my sister, who always seemed to do the right thing, fitting in with family traditions; ESTJ, the Dutiful type. Nothing about me is traditional, and most personality-type enthusiasts will agree the ENTP is forever Curious, feisty, and unconventional.   

Love Your Personality Don’t Downplay It

I used to downplay everything about me that made me unique. Every talent and every accomplishment. It was exhausting. As I entered adulthood, I came to dislike myself, finding ways and searching externally to be more like everyone else. UGH! Does any of this sound familiar? Leave a comment below. 👇

As I went through my 7-year life tsunami, I grew into my true SELF. I realized it’s okay to love my personality type, as it has precisely the traits I need to live a meaningful life. In fact, the more I love my physical and spiritual selves, the easier it is for me to maintain healthy habits and boundaries. To be a better friend and mom and serve my coworkers and community. Trust me. I’m not madly in love with myself every day. I am human, so self-love ebbs and flows just like the seasons in nature.

For spiritual personality enlightenment, subscribe to —a weekly newsletter delivered to your inbox each week with tips and tools to embrace spiritual personality typing. 🙏 

Make Love To Your Personality a Daily Practice

It’s easy to slip back into learned habits and quickly forget our daily intentions to love ourselves. I’ve stepped up my self-love practices, especially over the past couple of years. I’ve focused on my “daily love-me routine using 15 words to live by –specific words innate to my type.

Here’s a list of suggestions to help you practice loving your personality type, the type you chose for this life’s sacred soul mission. Your personality type is a gift and should be cherished. How are you loving your fabulous persona right now? Share in the comments below. 🙋🏼‍♀️

The List of 33 Ways to Love Your Personality

The List

  1. Embrace your personality superpowers. Remember, your personality’s beautiful traits make you, you. Embrace yourself exactly as you are.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others. Your personal history, soul-center, and personality type make you uniquely you. Love yourself for who you really are.
  3. Introverts, please feel free to ignore cultural conventions. You have incredible gifts to teach us all. Staying in stillness and calmness is something we could all learn. Bless these attributes and love yourself for them.
  4. Extroverts ignore stereotyping and understand you have a lot to contribute to the collective whole. Be grateful, and love yourself for who you really are.
  5. Positive affirmations work no matter your personality type. Take small steps; I love myself because ______, repeat this daily.
  6. Do you have an extroverted, intuitive trait (Ne)? Embrace it and know it makes you an explorer of things, people, and places, bringing you fantastic insights you can share with the world.
  7. Create a space for daily spiritual practices. It could be as simple as a table full of flowers, a comfy chair, or a shed. What’s key is a committed practice and how you feel in the space.
  8. Take time daily for self-reflection; meditation, yoga, walking … this time is essential to stop the monkey mind and connect to your soul spirit mind, your loving heart center.
  9. Love every life experience, both good and bad. Experiences shape you into who you are –– a beautiful soul that’s been cracked and mended with rays of white, loving light.
  10. Keep a journal or use a calendar when you’ve overcome or accomplished something that helped you become a better version of yourself.
  11. Are you an intuitive thinker (Ti)? I love this trait because it helps you make sense of things, a trait of untold value.
  12. Make sure your boundaries are in play to stay in your love zone. Saying no is okay, yet we are taught otherwise. Let your spiritual self speak your truth, and realize no is often the correct answer.
  13. Do you have a child? What do you love about them? Is it something they inherited from you? My son has the same insatiable curiosity and love for learning. I love to see he has these similar sacred gifts – personality traits. They’ve done alot for me, and I know they’ll do the same for him.
  14. If you have a memory of an elephant, you may have an introverted sensing trait (Si). Don’t you love it! Memories for you are accessible and always uppermost in your mind—what a gift.
  15. Create a ritual that brings you joy. Enjoy fresh flowers, light a candle or an infuser, and always say gratitude prayers upon awakening. You’ll be surprised how gratitude prayers reshape your day.
  16. An extroverted feeling (Fe) trait brings harmony into your life, it’s your gift, but many others are positively influenced by this captivating preference when it’s healthy.
  17. Accept yourself exactly where you are in life; don’t wish for better or more; be happy with what is.
  18. Carry a favorite poem, quote, or playing card. I carry the King of hearts. It reminds me of my place in the world.
  19. Refrain from being available for others; instead, always be available for yourself first, then see.
  20. Are you futuristic? You may have an introverted, intuitive trait (Ni) – a remarkable trait that allows you to see opportunities others don’t.
  21. Celebrate how wonderful your personality type is at helping you solve life’s challenges.
  22. Don’t ignore uncomfortable feelings. Allow yourself to feel angry, sad, or frustrated. These are gentle messages from your soul center sent by the spirit mind. Ahh, Divinely inspired triggers, letting you know transformation is upon you.
  23. Remember that everyone doesn’t want what you want, and likewise, accept their differences and love yourself for your own.
  24. If you are a sensation seeker, you probably have an extraverted sensing trait (Se), keeping your five senses highly engaged. You often become one, with your five senses making whatever you’re creating exceptional.
  25. Please don’t get frustrated with aspects of yourself that annoy you. Instead, see them as the opposite side of the spectrum and work to understand and accept them.
  26. If you love how effective you are at everything, you may have an extroverted thinking trait (Te).
  27. Lovingly look back at a time of great sorrow, and embrace that moment in love. Realize you made it, and when another great challenge comes, know you’ll make it through again – better, wiser, and one step closer to your true self.
  28. Do you love structure? Does it help you free your mind? If so, you may have a primary judging trait: thinking (Te or Ti) or feeling trait (Fe or Fi).
  29. Realize some people don’t deserve your good vibes, thoughts, or energy. Allow for your well-being first and foremost, and accept others where they are, regardless of your or their personality type.
  30. If you go to authenticity, you may have an introverted feeling trait (Fi). Ahh, authenticity, in a world of copycats is priceless. Own this trait. It’s a miraculous gift!
  31. No matter your personality type, manifesting and reaching for better thoughts alerts your soul Self that you’re ready for what you desire; defer to your persona and decision-making traits (thinking and feeling) and choose wisely. Tip: Reflection, meditation, and visualization techniques enhance wise decision-making.
  32. Are you a freedom-lover? If so, you may have a primary perceiving trait, intuition (Ne) or sensing (Se). Today is an excellent time for perceiving types to stand up and show the world why freedom is an infinite gift!
  33. Remember, you come from an unlimited source of love. There is no such thing as love scarcity, so every day, look in the mirror and say, “thank you, Divine source, for loving me into existence. I’ll do my very best to love me today, too.”

Join The Movement

Are you ready to rediscover yourself? Join me on Pinterest or YouTube. Let’s connect on LinkedIn, or we can stay in touch on Instagram.

The best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to Nina’s Newsletter. I included a weekly word of spiritual inspiration that only you get as a subscriber. I don’t offer this advice anywhere else but in my newsletter. The letter focuses on awakening your Spiritual Personality Type™️. I also include my latest blog post and a favorite book pick for you to explore. I’m a book nerd. Go figure!

🙋🏼‍♀️. 🕊 🙏

Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor who has studied and researched for decades. Plus, I use intuitive insights that offer creative and exciting possibilities. Spiritual personality typing is a revolutionary, dynamic, modern-day personality paradigm for those who want to discover who they really are and be a part of today’s transformative times.

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Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you. 

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