Travel, One of the Best Ways to Connect to Your Soul

Travel, one of the best ways to connect to your soul is the premise for Unpack Your Personality, For All Types of Travelers, is a book I’m working. A sneak peek into the how-tos of it all. 

People Inspired Me

Honestly, it was the people I meet during my twenty-year career as a tourism marketing professional. I traveled to many stunning places, lucky ME! But, I found that many travelers were sad. If they weren’t sad, they were angry, frustrated, or uber stressed out. I’m scratching my head, wondering how could this be? You’re staying at one of the poshest resorts in the world, and you’re pissed-off? WHY? And for years, I kept banging my head against the wall, until one day, it hit me like a 10-year tsunami. Literally. 

What I didn’t realize I too was swimming around in the muck, and if I’d been honest with myself, I wasn’t happy either. I wore a mask of happiness and pretended to be the gal who had it all. Well, that wasn’t my truth. My life was a shit-show; TG it was pre-pandemic as toilet paper was freely available. 🤣

All kidding aside, I was using traveling to escape, just like the people I spoke with. Yes, it was my job, but I too was using travel to escape from myself ⏤ , neglecting my soul-self and my echt personality. I didn’t have a clue to who I was. Funny, everyone always seemed to question my abilities as a marketing person, and not in a good way. I was dammed good; you don’t win awards if you not. Here again, did I truly know me? If I did, I would have said FO; you were just in the New York Times, Sports Illustrated, and Conde Nast Magazine; hell ya, I’m making it happen!

Travel One of the Best Ways to Connect to Your Soul

What I believe now is, travel one of the best ways to connect to your soul, was just a beginning. Understanding your personality and life purpose is an “Endless Practice; Becoming Who You Were Born to Be” so say’s Mark Nepro. What I’ve learned is if I’m going to change, I needed to set the I AM intentions I learned so long ago from my spiritual mentor. If you don’t set an intention, you become aimless, which is fine, but why not aim for inspiration and enlightenment? 

Ok, have you watch Down to Earth with Zac Efron? If not, watch it after you read this, you’ll really enjoy this doc-series. I bring this show up because it’s intentional. Travel wasn’t the show’s sole focus. Travel was used as a classroom to learn how others are staying healthy and living sustainably. Every visit revolved around these ideas. And so often minds were blown.

What if you could do the same thing only when you travel? You use the intention of soul enlightenment and build an intimate relationship with your personality, your personal reality.

Checking the differences — 

Your soul houses your blueprint for this life’s earth mission. It’s your spiritual self, your energy signature that stays connected to the higher realms,

While your personality, on the other hand, was assigned to you at birth. Its purpose is to support your soul’s mission here on Earth. It’s your human being-ness.

What I learned during my ten-year tsunami is when these two forces work as one, life becomes transparent, purpose-oriented, and more harmonious.

I learned that travel is a wonderful time to take off the mask, cry, get angry, and overeat ⏤ whatever you need to see yourself. And not the way you think you should be, or some version of yourself that you believe will bring you success. When you start dialoguing with your soul and become intimate with your personality, you’ll quickly realize what’s most important.

Travel One of the Best Ways to Connect to Your Soul In Ten Steps 

If you’re traveling soon, or go-ahead and incorporate a few of these ideas in your own backyard. The location doesn’t matter; it’s the intention that’s important. It’s 2020 a year of revisioning and manifesting yourself anew. Here are a few intentions, I used the phrase, my spiritual mentor, gave me to use, of course, use what works for you to start dialoguing with your soul:

1. I am kinder, more loving, more patient, more thoughtful – Think yourself a new, this is a great hiking or walking meditation,

2. I am traveling for a more enlightened self – What SELF attract’s along the way is for my highest good,

3. I am a reflection, I see myself in my surroundings – If it’s a mountain you’re ready to reach your highest peak, a beach may tell you to flow with life…,

4. I am not created by the thoughts of my parents, my peers, or my relationships; I am created from my highest thought ⏤ Take a walk through a forest to connect to this highest thought,

5. I am who I am, and because of the choices, I’ve made. To reveal a new me, I will need to make new choices; this will take a conscious daily effort ⏤ may I suggest a journal sessions?

6. I am grateful – Watch a sunset, a sunrise or a rain shower – revel in the wonder of it all, and then out loud share with the Universe what you’re grateful for,

7. I am not afraid – What are you afraid of, go deep here, and if you give it some time, it’s typically not the first thing that comes to your mind. A disconnect with your personality usually prompts this fear, do something out of character to get in touch with your disconnect. No worries you’ll be led by Self,

8. I am practicing the power of connection – We often squabble about being an introvert or an extrovert, but isn’t that just a direction of your energy flow? Why not think of one being a strength and the other an untapped potential, and respect the energy,

9. I am full of wonder, excitement, and curiosity – I am SELF in the state of my most aliveness, 

10. I am ready to embrace a new journey with life – trust your gut and book a close-by getaway that’s out of your comfort zone; you’ll be amazed at what shows up.

My Intention

I hope Travel One of the Best Ways to Connect to Your Soul challenges the way you look at travel and yourself. I’m hoping you embrace the challenges that lie ahead on the journey to self. Travel triggers, the revelers of the unconsciousness, are the hidden, unconscious aspects of your magnificent, authentic self.

As a course changer and a new path maker, I’m always looking for ways to upend the status quo and challenge convention. I believe the magic of travel is in the unknowingness. The unknowingness is precisely what you need to look past what you think you know, shatter irrelevant expectations, and bring to life your authentic self, your truth.

These Divine Disrupters cause triggers ⏤ stimulating awareness. It’s in the awareness that you take action or not. If you choose to look at the awareness and not take action, there is no forward motion. If you choose to take action, a mind shift takes place. A new self-truth emerges. A new life path is mapped, and a new lease on life manifests. If you believe we are all connected. In this connectedness your growth benefits, you, everyone you know, and the world. This is my wish for you because now is the time.


Are you ready to be your own new path maker? If so I’d love to see you on Pinterest, Instagram, or Twitter, but the best way to feel a part of this community is by subscribing; I’m debating on a newsletter or quarterly magazine? What do you prefer? I myself love a good magazine. 🥰

Tune In 

My radio interview aired on Speaking of Travel part of the iHeart radio network with host, Marilyn Ball. Give it a listen here. I’m also working on a guidebook for  Unpack Your Personality.©️  It will be a modern-day approach to personality typing supported by spirituality.

I’ve written a travel personality guidebook to start the journey to self. This guidebook reveals hidden aspects of yourself, and are chockful of easy to absorb information to help you rethink yourself a new.

I look forward to building a community of seekers—individuals who want to know their truth and shine brighter in the world. We will become a positive force in the world. And I’m up for whatever it takes to make this happen.

Photo Credit: Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊

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Interested in travel for self-discovery? 

Grab my free e-book Travel Happier. An intro to my debut book.