Inspirational Travel Because It’s What Your Soul Needs?

alt="Inspirational Travel: Is that what you need? Photo, women on mountaintop."

Inspirational travel it’s what you need right now? Yes, pleeese! I can only speak for myself, but I will not travel any other way from this day forward. Over the past two decades, I’ve been witnessing a trend. Herds of people go to the same place disrupting local communities, and it’s not fun: in fact, […]

How to Avoid Vacation Option Overload and Travel Happier

alt="Avoid Vacation Option Overload and Travel Happier, photo of a rural farm."

Do you suffer from vacation option overload? How can you avoid it? How can you make your travel experiences happier? These are questions I’m going to attempt to answer. An NOPE, I don’t have all the answers, but I do hope you’ll find this post stimulates new thinking. Avoid Vacation Option Overload Love it or […]

Extroverts and Introverts How to Travel Happier this Fall?

alt="Fall Travel For Extroverts and Introverts."

Extroverts and Introverts how to travel happier this fall is a question I hope to answer. As the leaves change color, so do our travel vibes. But what if you could embrace those differences and travel with folks who don’t share your mindset? Imagine the possibilities of broadening your perspectives this fall! Ready to dive […]

Does Travel Really Make You Happier?

alt="Does Travel Make Your Happier - Lady Smiling."

Post in brief: Does travel make you happier? Are you looking for travel to make you happier or are you traveling to expand the happiness within. Let’s unpack that! Ever find yourself with your suitcases by the door, bubbling with excitement for your vacation? But then—bam!—a wave of stress crashes in. Is this the right […]