Three Ways Listening Helps You Better Understand Your True Self

Three ways listening helps you better understand your true SELF was a message I received on a meditative walk. When I walk, I typically have a question to ask Divine Intelligence. The question on my mind the other day was, “How can I listen more deeply to what my spirit guides are trying to tell […]
How To Remove External Layers Of Fear From Your Persona?

How to remove the external layers of fear from your persona? For many of us, the answer to this question is revealed in your primary personality trait, the Essential Self. First, you need to unravel your ambitions, passions, and grand desires of who you think you need to be. Pressed for time, watch the 5-minute […]
How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing?

How to find yourself through spiritual personality typing is a big question with a four-word answer. Understand your personality type. Easy-peasy right? Well, yes, and no. The world isn’t easy-peasy. It’s changing rapidly. It’s chaotic, and what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Our transitioning world is causing eight out of ten Americans to be anxious, […]
How Personality Triggers Inspire Personal Growth on Vacation?

How do personality triggers inspire personal growth on vacation? Let’s get real. When you pack for vacation, you’re tossing in your sunnies, sunscreen, and—surprise!—your personality, too! And just like that beach towel, your vibes can get a little messy. So, it’s totally normal for your personality to get triggered while you’re off exploring new places. […]
Are the Delusions of the External World Keeping You Stuck?

Are the delusions of the external world keeping you stuck? If so you may be living an unfulfilled, unclear, + unhappy life. Ask yourself do delusions support a solid choices, or are they leading you to unhappiness? What if there was another way? What if your inner guide, (the Divine spark within), is the way […]
Celebrate Freedom and Truth In Being You this July 4th

Celebrate freedom and truth in being you this July 4th speaks to the idea of truly knowing yourself to bring about the unimaginable freedom of being yourself. Many of us experience times of clarity, truth, and freedom in our lives, yet other times we deny who we are. We ignore the signs from Divine Intelligence […]
Traveling With Different Personality Types: Get the 7 Secrets

Traveling with different personality types get the 7 secrets and understanding how contrasting personality types impact travel compatibility. Find out how to ensure your vacations are joyful and stress-free? Here’s how a Curious Traveler (ENTP) and the Kindly Traveler (ISFJ) navigated a fabulous vacation to Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Discover the 7 Secrets When Traveling with […]
How to Travel Like a Kid This Summer?

How to travel like a kid this summer starts with remembering what it feels like to be a kid again? What if the kid within could trigger what the eyes can’t see — what the heart knows you to be (playful, happy-go-lucky, curious, unabashedly you) the force of nature you truly are? Have we become so rigid […]