7 Ways Books Can Change Your Perspective

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In brief: 7 ways books can change your perspective, without boarding a plane, getting entangled in a deep conversation, or sitting on a psychiatrist’s couch. I encourage everyone to take a minute to give this article a read. See if any of the benefits of reading resonate. Ask yourself how these 7 ways may make […]

A list of my favorite 50 self- help books

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When I need help, I turn to self-help books. The last ten years have been a roller-coaster ride of grand proportions. My life had become a gigantic shit-show. And I say this in all honesty, I died and was reborn. Everything in my life was turned right-side-up and upside-down. Joel Osteen unspooled the story of […]

Shop Small®. Do Good. Buy Local.

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It’s here, the shopping event of the year, get ready to Shop Small® on November 30, 2019. Celebrate local Mom + Pop shops, and show them some love by picking up a few holiday gifts. Yeah, I know it’s easy to shop online: no crowds, no jockeying for parking spaces, and the dopamine rush is […]

Christmas In July the Tree Debate

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Celebrating Real Trees the Gift that Keeps on Giving! It’s Christmas in July, and I’m celebrating real trees. OK, I’m envisioning real pine trees. I’ve even lit my 🌲pine tree candle. Celebrating Christmas in July for me means binging watching Hallmark Christmas movies. Spending hours on Pinterest looking at all the fun DIY projects and […]