Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide!

Hi, I’m Nina Zapala, the Curious Traveler (ENTP). 

My debut book is a transformative ‘new you’ travel guide. Inside, you’ll discover the perfect places to stay, visit, and play based on your Myers-Briggs® persona, along with tools for intentional getaways.

It teaches you to trust your Divine self within, ensuring the best outcomes no matter where you land. You’ll view detours as opportunities for serendipity—whether you meet an intriguing person, discover a charming diner, or fall in love with a hidden gem. Be open to local cultures which may just lead you to uncover creative solutions to a challenging life situation. Welcome travel triggers, as they can reveal false beliefs and bring you a newfound clarity and peace.

Letting your inner guide be your travel guide isn’t a marketing gimmick; it’s a profoundly effective approach for self-discovery. Travel becomes a balance of worldly pleasures with transcendent Divine experiences – essential for transformational travel. 

Have you ever said, “I need a vacation from my vacation”? If so, you might not fully understand your travel persona and may have become entangled in the materialistic aspects of travel rather than experiencing it soulfully. I want to change that. Travel should be an ideal opportunity to escape the daily grind. By trusting your ‘inner guide’ unexpected detours, unscripted paths, and stepping out of your comfort zone can become a fast track to self-awareness.

I’ve created a personalized roadmap, a ‘new you’ travel guide, that uses travel as a time for self-discovery. By combining tangible personality typing tools with intangible spirituality, I offer specific, spiritually inspired travel tools for awakening. This approach leads to soulful, intentional travel and helps you become a more awakened version of yourself.

When you return home, you’ll have a refreshed sense of self, unlike the old paradigm where you’re left thinking, “I need a vacation from my vacation—ugh!”

beyond traditional typing

Do you crave transcendent moments that give you chills and make you wonder if your ancestors once stood on the same ground? With my fresh take on personality typing, I guide travelers to connect not only with their personalities but also with their inner wisdom. It begins with unpacking your unique personality.

Book a slot on my schedule to discover your ideal travel companions—whether romantic or otherwise—and learn about the best places to stay, visit, and play. I also assist with setting intentional and transformative travel goals.

“Nina Is the Real Deal

I’ve traveled with Nina quite a bit. She typifies an ENTP. She’s endlessly curious, gets bored quickly, and is always up for whatever is around the corner. Our personality types mesh as I’m an ESFJ; she relies on my J (keeping things on track) and I on her P (spontaneity and unscripted). It’s never a dull moment.

Nicole, her travel archetype: the Attentive Traveler.

alt="Nicole the Attentive Traveler"
alt="Pamela the Ingenious Traveler"

“I Thought I Knew

I thought I knew myself, but when I started getting into personality typing with Nina, I got clear about who I am. I’m an INTP, so I’m in my head a lot, but I don’t feel bad about it anymore. Travel helped me see that it’s OK to step away from thinking, get out there, and experience life.

Pamela, her travel archetype: the Ingenious Traveler.

alt="Nina Zapala at Bellingrath Gardens."


join the movement

Want to become the ideal version of yourself, living a life you love as a successful entrepreneur, thriving in a loving relationship, and using travel as a journey of further awakening?

Welcome to the world of spiritual personality typing—a modern approach that shows how your personality traits can address life’s challenges while embracing your Divine self within.

Nina’s Newsletter is your guide to self-discovery, packed with tips, journal prompts, teachings, and actionable steps to keep you aligned with your true self and achieve your full potential.

Join our community by opting in. I’d be honored to have you!