Implement These Practical Mindset Tips for a Happier Thanksgiving

alt="Practical Mindset Tips For the Holiday

Implement these practical mindset tips for a happier Thanksgiving to reduce stress, increase understanding, and maybe even make Aunt Mary’s pumpkin pie taste a little better. 😉 The Thanksgiving season is upon us—a time for gratitude, giving thanks, and spending quality time with family and friends. What typically unfolds? Stressful road trips The impossible task […]

Fall Foliage Trip Ideas for Extroverts

alt="Fall Foliage Trip Ideas for Extroverts; photo of Blue Ridge Mountains."

My latest post, fall foliage trip ideas for extroverts, is chock full of travel ideas, tips, and fun ways to say yes to fall. Autumn ushers in leaf-peeping season. It’s time to look up and delight in the colorful fall leaves. Fall is about crisp days and plenty of excuses to get outside and appreciate […]