Are the Delusions of the External World Keeping You Stuck?

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Are the delusions of the external world keeping you stuck? If so you may be living an unfulfilled, unclear, + unhappy life. Ask yourself do delusions support a solid choices, or are they leading you to unhappiness? What if there was another way? What if your inner guide, (the Divine spark within), is the way […]

How To Gain Clarity Through Personality Typing

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How to gain clarity through personality typing is a topic I will be discussing in great detail in 2021 and beyond. Why am I so passionate about the topic? It’s been a thorn in my side for a very long time. The Divine gifted me with a book premise, Unpack Your Personality©️, based on personality […]

Is Your Life Up in the Air?

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Is your life up in the air? How do you take care of yourself when this happens? It all comes down to FOCUS, staying grounded in your personality type, and using the tools from your spiritual practices. I know this isn’t easy, but when your move away from focusing on your truth, you invite worry, […]