How to remove the external layers of fear from your persona? For many of us, the answer to this question is revealed in your primary personality trait, the Essential Self. First, you need to unravel your ambitions, passions, and grand desires of who you think you need to be.
Pressed for time, watch the 5-minute video or click here for the cliff notes. If you want to learn more about the beautiful ways your personality type can change your life, click below for a private session.
Removing the External Layers of Fear from My Persona
In life, we realize these grand designs aren’t even close to what is ripening within. I know this to be true. More than 7 years ago, I stood on stage waiting to receive one of the most prestigious awards in hospitality; a platinum award from the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International. As I stood on stage, I felt my insides turn to goop. Instead of being ecstatic, I was getting ill. Mind you, I was proud of my work, but the feeling coming over me was a deep, sinking feeling that something was terribly wrong.
That night I stood on stage and said a three-word prayer, “God Show Me.”
Boy, was I shown.
You must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment.
Deepak Chopra, author; The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
Layers of Fear from My Persona Were Pouring Forth
Soon after I received this award, my prayer was answered with a 7-year life tsunami. My fears, false beliefs, and unhealthiness poured forth with such ferocity that it forever changed my life.
Like a piece of fruit, our external selves need to be peeled away to get the nourishing benefits that lie within. When we remain unconscious, our outer selves, while protecting us to a degree, become rigid and lifeless to aspects of ourselves that need nourishment to flourish.
It’s what happened to me. For decades I paid no attention to the messages from Divinely Intelligence. I ignored the whispers. No, I was stubbornly driven by blind ambition and a big ego while numbing my fears with shopping, busyness, alcohol… All the while, believing if I could just win an international award, I would become best in class. This myopic assumption made me think; an award could validate me.
It didn’t. Winning the award made me realize, I was not living my truth. The good news is my prayer helped me peel back strongly held fears, unwanted behaviors and beliefs, to reveal my glorious inner self, my true Self.
Shedding your fears and ego puts you on the path to your true Self, the place where clarity, confidence, and courage arise. Your true Self is your POWER!
When we Realize that our True Self is one of Pure Potentiality, we Align with the Power that Manifests Everything in the Universe.
– Hymn of Creation, The Rig Veda
Why Look Externally When the Nourishment of Life is Within
Like so many others, I was looking for an external thing(s) to validate my life. The many awards, fancy cars, jewelry (well, I still love jewelry), clothes – all of which I couldn’t get enough of because I was looking externally for fulfillment.
What I’ve come to learn is ego power is false power. It lasts only as long as the object of desire is present – like titles, new things, power, or money. What happens when the power or money goes away? You lose what you perceive to be your power, the validation of who you are.
I know this to be true as I stood on stage, gifted with a prestigious award; I asked myself, now what? In all honesty, who or what I thought I was, had begun to unravel. Over time and after great reflection, I realized the award was a symbol.
It revealed a role I had been playing; seeking validation and love from “doing me” instead of “being me.”
The wisdom in all this is when you know your true Self, it can never be taken away. Money comes and goes, as do relationships, titles, roles we play… What always remains the same is the truth of who you really are. Now that is power!
Your true Self is your POWER!
How To Begin Revealing Unhealthy Layers Around Your Persona
Since I can’t go into each personality trait here, here’s a summary to help you find answers.
When your primary trait, the one you use the most, is controlling all other traits, you are operating from fear and ego, which indicates” undesirable behaviors; fears, which cause you’ve to become uncharacteristically you. Boy, I’m familiar with this behavior. What happens over time is we’ve conditioned ourselves to become something we are not.
Going back to the fruit example. Sometimes when you cut open a piece of fruit, it’s beautiful, juicy, and nourishing. Yet there are other times your cut open a piece of fruit, and it’s rotten. The reason is that the protective skin has become rigid and inflexible, no longer able to absorb beneficial nutrients.
It’s what happens to many of us. We often safeguard ourselves, continually building a protective skin based on years of external conditioning; parents, teachers, society, culture our governments. We tell ourselves if we want love, respect, worth. – so we must do this, be this, act like this. All of which are external actions, fear or ego-based, keeping us busy doing, instead of facing nourishing and growing into our fears in stillness and beingness.
The Answer To Reveal Unhealthy Layers Around Your Persona
As always, answering life’s toughest questions can be found by exploring and understanding a healthy and Divinely inspired personality type with a spiritual understanding. With decades of studying typology, along with the wisdom gained from my 7-year life tsunami, plus client case studies, I’ve come to know our fears and ego stems from out-o-wack personality traits.
If you want to reveal the unhealthy layers around your persona, aka your personality type, start with dissecting your primary trait, your Essential Self. I promise you; you’ll find the answers within this trait. It’s Divinely designed with you in mind.
Ok, let’s get you started on your journey with a journal prompt.
Grab A Journal: Get Ready to Remove External Layers Of Fear From Your Persona?
It’s time to grab your journal and start to rethink the many roles you play?
- First, ask yourself what achievement do I hope to gain from the role; entrepreneur, parent, partner, friend…
- What is the achievement outcome; money, ambitions, love, power, fame, control…the list is long. Whatever the achievement outcome is, this is the place to start.
- Ask yourself, Why? Within the answer is an unmet need, a fear, or a condition you were taught somewhere along your life path journey that may need healing.
I’ll use myself as an example. My blind ambition led me to win an award fueled by a fear of never being good enough. If I belonged to the award-winning platinum group, I’d know I’m good. Obviously, this was a false belief stemming from conditioned childhood teachings and an unhealthy personality type.
Let me also point out that this realization took years to peel away! Finding your true Self takes work and is a lifelong process, but it sure is worth it!
Recap: How To Remove External Layers Of Fear From Your Persona?
- Are you aware of your ego and fears within your personality type,
- We all have been conditioned to look externally for answers… I promise you the answers lie within your persona,
- Often, our ambitions are far removed from our realized truths,
- mMy realizations as I came to see my role as not who I really am,
- Journal prompt
More About the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing
I hope you found How To Remove External Layers Of Fear From Your Persona eye-opening.I’m passionate and intentional about introducing the idea of personality tying with a spiritual understanding to help you awaken to your true SELF.
The career personality typing model of the 1950s is fine. Yet, as we awaken to our spiritual needs, we must incorporate the gifts of a healthy personality type to support our spiritual selves. When our physical and spiritual selves are in union, we express our soul intentions through our persona, taking Divinely inspired action in all we do. Ahh, the True Self in action. The True Self is always with you, exuding joy, passion, and purpose.
You Are Not Alone in Life’s Transitions
Are you asking yourself these questions; “Who Am I?” “How did I get here?” “Why Am I Here?” “What Are My Dreams and Desires?” Know you are not alone 93% of people desire to change something about themselves?
Why would you want to change what the Creator intended for you?
Your personality type can help you find answers during monumental challenges, struggles, and pain and help you find the joy, growth, and gifts you are here to share with the world.
I say, Don’t Change Yourself. Find Your True SELF.
These are times of great chaos and evolution. A time when critical decision-making skills can positively alter the course of your life. Relying on someone else’s opinion makes them the author of your impending new life. Take your story back and become fully in charge and capable of deciding from the true SELF.
I’m here to share the liberating lessons and soul wisdom I gained going through my transitional 7-year life tsunami to help guide you through yours. So what are you waiting for? It’s time.
Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.
Are you going through a life transition? Becoming a parent, empty nester, going through a divorce or major career change? Mastering your spiritual personality will give you the clarity, confidence, and courage to guide you into your next life chapter.
– Nina Zapala, founder: The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing©️
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It’s Time to Discover; The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing ©️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP. I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.

It’s Time to Discover; The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing ©️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP.